Other Links

Bec's Homepage - Who in their right mind would actually admit to the stupid things they do? And put them up on the internet?

Ricks Homepage - visit the home of the Mr Snrub awards!

Choconia - Want to join my kingdom?? Declare your bedroom independant and join the sucessionist state of choconia where we worship none other than chocolate . .

Little sprinkly things sanctuary - Are you aware of the threat sprinkles bring to our fine society?? You must stand up and fight them!

Michaels Home Page - The original homepage. Has some great Mac links. Noticeably lacking in chocolate content though . . . . . . .

Michael Rosenbrock - The bigger, newer version with more links and some chocolate content, which is a big improvement

Shareware Most Popular Mac Games - Check out the Top 10 Mac games of the week. You can download them absolutely free. It also contains a full list of Shareware products

The Case: The fun and challenging mystery website - Can you solve the mystery? New crimes every week, including the Twist on Monday, Solve it on Wednesdays and Mysterious Photo every Friday

The Official Tintin Homepage- Information about Tintin, including history, news and links

Garfield Online - Eveything you could possibly want to know about Garfield

Plantation Of Animations - A great site containing animated gifs of all shapes and sizes

Muppet Stuff - Ever wonder what the Swedish Chef was saying all that time? This is the place to find out.

Muppets Home Page - Episode guides for muppets, seasame street, fraggle rock and dinosaurs and lots of other related info

Comprehensive Muppet Links - a huge list of muppets links, also contains seasame street links

Flute Links - A list of flute links including homepages, businesses and online magazines. From here you can find information on tone, vibrato and different instruments

More coming when I get around to it!

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