You hear a sound, and you turn to nothing. Out of the reaches of your eyes you see a cloaked shadow move into the darkness. You feel a pain as something hits your head, and you, too, slip into the darkness...

The Cloaked Shadows

Welcome traveler,

What is the "Cloaked Shadows"? It is a guild for all classes, restricted to none. Together, we band, we fight, we burgle, and but of course, we steal. The guild will work as a whole or in small groups working to help whatever side we are on. We may accept mercenary jobs, and we will always continue to wreak havok amongst the others of Britannia. Always, we will work for our own mutual benefit. If you need to find one of us, look in the shadows, in the night, or behind a closed door.

I'll take anyone, but I would like thieves, assasins, and spys, as well as masters of disguise, stealth, and ambiguity.

Your Guildmaster,
Torin Abalister

Our Cloaked Shadows
Feel Worthy to Join Our Ranks?
Notes from Torin on the Guild

Our Friends and Foes
Meet Our Guard Dog
Other Guild's Links

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