The F.B.I. Web Site

Home of our favourite FBI agents. Check out the FBI's most wanted. You can also find out how to take the famous FBI tour in Washing ton or if you have seen a UFO you can report it to one of the many FBI field offices around the workd.

The C.I.A. Web Site

What to most lonegunmen prefer The Centrel Intelligence Agency. Also Elvis's favourite friends

The NSA Web Site

To find out any national secrets visit this site. Mulder would!!!!!

Untied States Secret Service

To find out all the secrets you have ever wanted to know. Like who shot JFK

The British Intelligence Agancy

Hey were I am from ENGLAND. Want to find out any secrets about the Royal Family. Find out who is tapping who's phone line. Trivia:- The British Intelligence Agancy is also known as MI5 and MI6

The X Paper

The Official X-Files Site

The X-Files Fan Forum

The Millennium Fan Forum

The Defence Intelligence Agency

What to find out if were not alone or if ID4 would we really be able to stand up to alien attack.

The Pentagon

Find out where all those implants are stored and what Cigarette Smoking Man's next plan is.

X-Files Mailing Lists

Recently in a X-Files Book called The New Unofficial X-Files Companion The New Series Is here The Truth is here Volume Two by N.E. Genge. I found addresses for X-Files Mailing Lists for three countries.

North American Mailing List

Send an e-mail to majordomo@chaos.taylord.com with nothing in the subject line and as the main body of the message put "subscribe X-FILES" and you will recieve details of the mailing and will have been subscibed to the list and will recieve posts from others on the list about threads on teh list at the moment.

UK Mailing List

Send a e-mail to listproc@uel.ac.uk with nothing in the subject line and the main message as "subscribe X-FILES" and you will get the same type of thing but with UK content.

German Mailing List

Send a e-mail to listserv@stargate.pfalz.de with nothing in the subject line and "subscribe xf-de"

Any questions please e-mail me at 42_mulder@geocities.com

Usenet Groups

The following are popular X-Files Newsgroups:-

alt.tv.x-files North Amercian discussion group

alt.tv.x-files.creative Fan Fiction based on The X-Files

uk.media.tv.sf.x-files United Kindom discussion group

aus.tv.x-files Austrailian discussion group

alt.binaries.x-files Images, Sounds, Movies, Screen Savers

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Last Edited 26 December 1996