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The Monarchas you walk through the corridors of your palace, leaping through your country's economics status report, considering the possibility of building another aquaduct in one of your cities, you are suddenly reminded about how it all began.

It all started three and a half milleniums ago when you were born the son of the tribe's leader. Everyone wished you a long life... They couldn't be more right, you have lived a long life...
You led your tribe for a place worth enough to live in and you setteled down and built a city. You were then the ruler of a city-state and later became ruler of a state as you built more cities. It was not long before you have conquered other cities and became an empire.
But you were not the only immortal on the planet. Your people, were mortals of course and so were the rest of the citizens of different peoples. Yet the leaders of the peoples, they were the blessed ones, the ones that have been on earth more years than the great pyramids, those single men and women could only die by the sword of an enemy from inside or out.

You enter a large hall. It was built so many years ago... walking around looking at pictures and statues of the greatest leaders that ever been born and ruled civilizations that had long been forgotten.
Still the names of these leaders will be remembered forever... You close your eyes hoping you'll be worthy enough to have your picture hanged in this hall years from now...
Suddenly your line of thought is distracted as your chief scientist enters the room excited to tell you about the new scientific discovery thus bringing you back to reality - to lead your civilization.

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