Is it me or was this summer really hot?!

No it's not just you that think this summer was really really hot, a very big increase in the heat was noticed all around the world. The heat records in most countries was broken. In the U.S. for example the tempertures were the highest on record since they started writting them down almost 120 years ago.

After two hundred years of pollution and thousands years of cutting down trees we're finally starting to really feel the effects.
Yes global warming , greehouse effect and all that stuff are begining to show their powers after we showed ours for 200 years.

Well what can we do now? It's Hot in Here!

Well first of all let's look at the big picture. We live on Planet Earth which is part of a solar system. Every solar system has a sun including ours. For billions of years Earth has been orbiting the sun and using its rays to give energy to all living things on the planet (including plants). The rays of the sun are deadly they contain a very high radiation level that could easily kill any live being.

How does Earth protect us from the sun?

Earth's upper atmosphere is protecting us from the deadly rays. There is one catch though, the gasses in the upper atmosphere have to be in certain amounts and precentage. Our race have been using all kinds of sprays and have been working with a gass that's called CFC , when that gass is set free, it seals the atmosphere from the inside. That means that the rays of the sun gets in but the heat can't get out. and that's the story about global warming, every year it will become hotter.

So what? I'll turn on the air conditioner!

That wouldn't be a good idea, because while you are turning your air condition on, you release more CFC to the air.
Another problem in the global warming is that the oceans get warmer and the icebergs in the southern and northern poles slowly begin to melt. Once the icebergs melt the water line in all the oceans will raise higher and higher every day covering every piece of land with salt water leaving us with no land to live on.

Oh uh...

Yeah exactly oh uh...

So now that I know what's gonna happen how do I stop this?

Well it's not gonna be easy because there is alot of work to be done. There are really alot of things that effect global warming such as: cars, factories, sprays, cutting down trees ETC...
There many things that can be done in order to clean the air by decreasing the levels of CFC in the atmosphere and increasing Oxygen levels. In the Rest of the pages you will find a few good ideas to begin with.

Why are cars considered problem to the global warming?

When a car is working, it's working on burnt fuel, the burnt fuel is operating the engine and the wastes of that fuel are going out to the open air. The problem is that these wastes are actually poisonous gasses that create fog and create new diseases. In L.A. for example there are fog alerts, whenever there is fog , there is a small greenhouse effect, city wide, not world wide, the sun heats the streets of L.A. but the heat can't go up beyond the fog that covers the city.

So What Can I Do About that?

Well first, try to walk to places that are close to your house rather then driving there, if you go to the market place on the other side of town, try to see if there is a market place closer to your house.
Another way to travel to more distatant place is with bicycle or even roller-blades. These are great means of transportation and they don't take much place on the road like cars which means, no traffic and parking problems and no form of fuel expanses. In some countries there are special bycicle roads that make it safer for the bycicle riders to ride within the city.
Another way is by taking mass transit. I don't think there is one big city in the world that doesn't have mass transit. Each time you take a bus it's like you are sharing the pollution created by one car with 50 other people which means pullotion is reduced aproximatly by 50. I personaly prefer riding bycicle because the mass transit does create gass waste and some times it's really not fun to sit along with another 50 people.

Ok cool, why are trees so important?

The trees take vital role in the planet's ecological system. They stand at the bottom of the food chain, which means that if they will be gone the whole food chain will be destroyed us included.
Trees and all other plants create oxygen. The oxygen is actualy a by-product released into the air when the plants make their food out of Carboon Dioxide, Water and Glocose.
Carboon Dioxide is a commponent found in air and is porduced when we outhale the air we breathed. in high quantities it is poisonous to humans. That makes trees our natural "air cleaners" because they change this poisonous gass into oxygen. Cutting down trees reduces air cleaning actions and Carboon Dioxide acid levels are going up.

So what do I do to make it stop?

Well for start you can use less paper, cardboard and other wood products so less wood will be cut down. Today almost everyone has at least one E-mail address, so why not send somebody E-mail instead of Snail-Mail, it's cheaper, faster and leaves you some air to breathe.
If you have to use paper products, use recycled products, if we have to cut down a tree, at least let's make a really good use of it so we won't have to cut more.
Write a letter to your authorities asking them to stop cutting trees and start recycling more, get friends and family to do the same that way you'll create pressure on the authorities to do the right thing.
Hundreds of trees are beings cut every day, maybe you should find a day during the year and go with your whole family to plant a few trees, a gift for your future children / grandchildren.
Demand local authorities to planet more tree around your house/street/neighborhood. The trees also help cleaning cars' smoke and even fog.

What's wrong with sprays? are they all bad?

No not all sprays are bad for the Ozone Layer. There are sprays that contain that gas mentioned above as CFC and once you use that spray the CFC is released to the air, distroying the Ozone layer.

How do I tell the difference between the Sprays

That's pretty easy, you can recognize a spray that doesn't harm the enviroment because they are ussualy marked with a sppecial mark. Just look for the "CFC Free" sign on it, it's not hard ,even my grandmother does it and she's going towards 90 (long live my gran!).

What are factories doing that effect global warming?

Big factories need a lot of energy to get their machines to work. Some of the factories use huge boilers and burn coal. The Smoke ussualy goes up to the sky through the chimenies, containing Carboon Dioxide and other gasses, not so good to the enviroment. Other factories ussualy use power from the power plant near by which ussualy work with coal or gass and carry the same smoke effect.
These days some of the factories are using solar, wind or hydro power to get enough energy to make their machines work, it saves money and resources.

That's nice but I can't tell the factory to change!

Oh yes you can, whatever they are making they, they are making it for people like you, consumers, you can send the manager a letter demanding him to change to solar power or wind power. If he doesn't do that you don't have to buy from him, change to a different supplier that will listen to what you want. Why would you buy from someone who doesn't care about what you think anyway? If you can get more friends to leave him too he will begin to understand how important it is for him to use solar power. These things are changeable.

Except that what else can I do?

Alot, but that's a good start. For example alot of houses in the US and in Europe use house heating working on gass or fuel, they create alot, alot of gass wastes, so when you are cold in the winter and it's raining outside, maybe instead of turning on the heat you should go, make yourself a nice hot cup of chocolate get another blanket, sit on the couch and watch some T.V., believe me you won't feel the cold. another solution for that is to find a special someone to cuddle up with ;o).
It is important that we'd learn to save energy, to reduce pollution and to take better care of our enviroment. It should become a way of life to us, because that'll bring us better life and a better future.

Think about it.

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