The Night World
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The Night World

The Night World isn't a place; it's a state of mind, a secret society. All around you, there are supernatural beings; witches, werewolves, shapeshifters and vampires, all passing off as normal humans. They could be at your school, workplace; they could be your best friend, your most admired hero.

They're amazingly beautiful; they have charm and wit that most of us can only dream of. Each has power that is indescribable and specific to each Night Person. And they're everywhere.

Should you be afraid? There are good reasons to be. One, that they're alot more powerful than you. Witches cast spells, vampires have strength and telepathy, werewolves are stronger with senses heightened massively...

And the are no rules to tell them not to play with humans. They can hunt them for their food. They can kill them. They can break their hearts, play them along... There're only two things the Night People are forbidden to do;

1/Never let them find out the Night World exists.
2/Never fall in love with one of them.

LJ Smith's Night World books are about some of the Night People, and some humans, and what happens when they fall in love.

On this page you'll find my pictures and stories about the Night World characters, as well as link and other stuff. You can also find the opportunity to send me your own pictures and stories, and maybe they'll find their way onto here too!

Now, choose your page...;

If you need to contact me for any reason, click here. Thank you!
All characters belong to LJ Smith and are being used without her permission.