Quote from the Hacking Mentor
The fiXed team would like to thank the following for their services.

Rename.Net for the URL bouncing service.
easy.to/remember, again, for their URL bouncing service.
Fortunecity for their amazing free 20Megs of free storage space and web-based email that we never use.
Geocities for their wonderful fast servers and 11Megs of free storage space, and POP3 email facility that we never use.
Yahoo! for their highly convenient web-based email that can't detect multiple logins and allows access to our entire team from all around the world. We would also like to commend their chat facility that is great when you want to get information out of people. And, oh, yes of course, the search engine.
Hotmail for their web-based email that we have just occupied so that no-one else can take our name. We don't use it that much because of Microsoft. They just spoil all the fun in using it. But we have created an open account so everyone can just piss around in it! For details, please subcribe to the fiXed newsletter.
The fiXed team would however like to eternally
damn in hell those servers that do not like MP3s,
ZIPs, EXES, or hacking utils which forces us to,
rename them into images making it horribly tedious
for our users to download and use conveniently.
Damn commie bastards.

The fiXed team would like to state for the record that they are not against communism
The fiXed team supports antidisestablishmentarism
The fiXed team believe in the supposedly fictional boogey man.
The fiXed team also believe in the tooth fairy. We think it is a fabulous deal that a rotten tooth can you get you a few dollars so you can rot a few more.
The fiXed team would also like to thank one of the member's dog's for its endless supply of drool that served as an adhesive for the scripts
We would also to thank our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, pet hamsters, gerbils, budgies, domesticated tigers, wild house cats, and the flying cow curtains in the head office
Pleeze send any hate mail, flame mail, appraisals, worship notes, marriage proposals, death threats, your vows to kill us all, directly to: fiXed_deXif@yahoo.com