
Nothing big this time . . . just fixed some links on the Games page, and fixed the RealVideo trailer in the Library. Thanks to the Val Kilmer Newsletter for the head's up!

ChimChim sent in some scans from the graphic novel. Check them out on the Literature page of the Merchandise section. Thanks ChimChim!

It's been awhile since the last update, but in the interim I got the Story of Willow CD; go to the Soundtrack page of the Merchandise section to check out interviews (in MP3 format) with Ron Howard and George Lucas!

Opened the brand new Multimedia section in the Library, featuring the Willow trailer in RealVideo format. Download it now! (And look for more multimedia, coming soon.)

Added a pic of Willow: The Illustrated Version to the Books page in the Merchandise section. Also, I should be getting the Willow IBM game soon, so expect another update as soon as I do.

Added info and an image from Buena Vista Records' Story of Willow album to the Soundtrack page in the Merchandise section (and deleted the erroneous Willow Children's Book with Tape entry from the Children's Literature page).

Added a pic of a promotional Cap'n Crunch item to the Miscellaneous merchandise page. In Shadow Star news, the latest issue of Wizard magazine has an interview with Chris Claremont, who says finishing the novel is his top priority right now. (Thanks to Kevin McKittrick for the news.) Also, David Tayman has redesigned his site to make it better than ever. If you haven't checked it out yet, go to the Willow on the Web section to see what you're missing!

Added some images to the Children's Literature and Miscellaneous merchandise sections.

Added a new pic to the Miscellaneous merchandise page, and information and images of Willow coloring books to the Children's Literature page.

Added a pic of the Willow Ufgood Halloween costume to the Miscellaneous page in the Merchandise section.

Two news items today, both courtesy of David Tayman. First, Cinescape magazine has added a page devoted to the rumors regarding the film sequel to Willow; you can find a link to it in the Willow on the Web section. Also, word is that the release of Shadow Star, the final installment of the Shadow War novels, won't be until July of 1999 . . . so we'll have to be patient.

Updated the Soundtrack page with a new link; click on it to sign a petition to release the entire Willow soundtrack. (Thanks to David Tayman for letting me know about the petition.) I also just got an e-mail from a company in Japan that is interested in licensing the characters from Willow! I'll let you know if I hear any more news on the subject.

Updated the Miscellaneous page and the Books page with some new additions.

Updated the Wearables page and the Miscellaneous page (both in the Merchandise section) with some new information.

Added a pic of Mark Vande Brake to his interview in the Library.

Added a bunch of stuff to the Miscellaneous page of the Merchandise section.

Posted a text version of Mindscape's Willow: The Computer Game manual. Also finally put the Angwyn Bay map back up in the Maps section. (Thank you Geocities for giving me the extra space.)

I changed the old Merchandise index page to be more image-intensive. It looks pretty.

Well, I just got back from Spring Break, and apparently there's been some big news: for those of you who haven't heard yet, Shadow Dawn is apparently out on paperback, and the final chapter in the series will be entitled Shadow Star. Thanks to Dave Tayman for the news.

Added a map from the Sourcebook to the Maps section; also added a bunch of info from the Sourcebook to the Encyclopedia. (I put two new links on the Willow on the Web page awhile ago, but forgot to announce it here; so check them out!)

Updated the Comic Book entry on the Books page with pics of the three part Marvel series.

Updated the Sourcebook entry on the Books page with some new info and a color image; added a color scan of the 1989 Willow calender to the Miscellaneous page; and traded a rather boring arcade game screen shot of Willow hanging around for one of him fighting the Eborsisk. (Incidentally, I just got the Sourcebook over the weekend, and it is just incredible; I'll be updating the Encyclopedia very soon with info from it.)

Added two new articles to the Library (both from the Widescreen Laserdisc), under the Merchandise-related category.

Added a new article to the Library, under the "Special Effects" category.

Put up a new color scan of the Tor boardgame on the Games page. Also fixed a couple broken links.

Updated the Games page with info and pics from the Willow arcade game! Also updated the Movie page with new information and a new image of the widescreen VHS cassette cover.

Added new images of the Willow junior novelization, the Willow teaser poster, and the Willow lunchbox to the appropriate pages in the Merchandise section. Also updated the Books page with info about the impending paperback release of Shadow Dawn.

Just thought I should mention this little bit of information: According to Cinescape, a recent deal between Lucasfilm and the toy company Galoob mentions the possibility of sequels to Willow! Stay tuned for more info as things develop.

Added a new page, Wearables, to the Merchandise section, with a bunch of new images. Also updated the Miscelleneous Merchandise page.

Added all six recipes from JELL-O's Willow Activity Book to the Library section.

Added an interview I conducted via e-mail with Mark Vande Brake, aka "Ranon," to the Library section. Thanks Mark!

First off, let me apologize for the lack of updates lately. I've just returned from winter break, and once again have easy Internet access, so expect more frequent updates in the near future. Today, I divided the ever-growing Literature page in the Merchandise section into two separate pages: Books and Children's Literature. (Please note that the comic book now falls under the former category, while the sticker album falls under the latter.) In addition, I added info about and a color scan of the Willow Activity Book to the Children's Literature page, and a new color scan of the graphic novel cover art to the Books page.

Reorganized the Games page, with a new screenshot from the computer game. Added info about the teaser poster and French poster to the Posters page. Made a couple of minor changes to the Literature and Soundtrack pages.

Added an image of the box art to the Parker Bros. boardgame; check it out on the Games page.

Finally added that article about the special effects of Willow to the Library section.

Finally updated the Encyclopedia a little.

Updated the Games page with info about the Parker Bros. boardgame.

Check out the Literature page for a new color scan of the cover of the Willow Storybook.

Updated the Literature page with what little information I have about The Art of Willow. Also added a link to Planet Kilmer.

Added a new color image of the Eborsisk toy to the Action Figures page.

Added some more info to the Literature page.

Redesigned the Action Figures page with lots of pictures. Unfortunately, I had to delete one of the maps from the Maps section to make space, but I thought it was worth it.

Added a color scan of the NES game box to the Games page.

Added some extra info to the Miscellaneous Merchandise page.

Added some more info on Willow: The Computer Game thanks to the game's creator, Peter Oakley.

Added some very limited information about Willow: The Computer Game to the Games page.

I tried to add a new article to the Library, but Geocities says I'm out of space. Somebody help!

Added a color scan of the cover of the sticker album to the Stickerbook page.  Cleaned up some here and there.

Redid the Posters page in the Merchandise section, with new color scans of three different posters and the cover to the novel.

Forgot to mention: the page won the Totally Awesome 80's Site of the Day quite a while ago (May 22).  Put up a link to their webserver, and to Netscape, which you really have to have to fully appreciate the index.  Fixed some other links here and there.

Biggest update ever.  If you've got Netscape 3.0, you've noticed the new spiffy index design.  Loads of articles added to the Library (a new section), along with the first Willow screenplay to appear on the Internet.  (I typed it in myself.)  The new production sketches are also an Internet first.  Maps and Diagrams are new.  Encyclopedia is off to a good start.  Let me know what you think. Oh, yeah, and you can find the Star Wars vs. Willow article and the Warwick Davis bio in the Library.
I'm completely out of space here, by the way.  If anybody has extra space they'd like to donate to a worthy cause, please e-mail me.  Thanks.

Fixed the logo a bit. Added info about The Willow Sourcebook, thanks to Andrew Pitino. Added a new poster and some new information to the Posters page; Posted an an excerpt from the movie novelization on the Literature page.


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