How well or acurately do movies portray encounters with extraterrestrials? Well, I am definately no expert, and how can one really tell. I think that the majority of the movies that come out can accurately portray what could possibly happen if we were even contacted by alien lifeforms. The world could be over run by aliens as it was in Independance Day, or it could be slowely unknowingly taken over as was prtrayed in the movie The Arrival. Even the Star Trek movies delve into the possibility of an extraterrestrial force invading Earth. Now, I think that if aliens are out there, and that they have advanced technology, they would be monitoring us in every aspect. This would include all kinds off our communications. Now with movies like these out, where we always show hostile reactions to visitors from other planets, why in hell would they bother to come visit us?

Lighter movies would have us believe that visitors would be greeted with open arms. Wait a minute-------movies like that really don't exist. Just off the top of my head, I really can't think of ANY movies where aliens are openly accepted into our world society. Don't send me e-mail about E.T. either, he was pursued by the government, trying to disect him. Mind you, there may be some out there, but none really ring a bell right now. There have been several TV show's in which this has happened. Alf, and Third Rock From the Sun to name a couple. Alien Nation was another TV series where aliens were integrated into society, but were they really integrated? It seemed that they were on earth, but the majority of the public did not welcome them. If aliens, in this day and age, would wish to live and exist in this society, then they would have to disquise themselves as humans, like in The Arrival, or even in the cult classic, They Live.

If we ever want to have visitors from other worlds, then we would have to first demonstrate a peacefulness towards them. Don't get me wrong, if a hostile alien force was to come to earth, we would definately need to kick ass, but otherwise we should welcome them with open arms until they prove otherwise. I can't blame them for not coming, were are a society which cannot agree about race, religion, social status or any number of segregating things. How could aliens possibly expect us to accept them.

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