Since its introduction by FASA Corp, in 1984 Battletech has been wowing them all.
With many flavors of game from one-on-one Gladiatorial fights to continuing campaigns there
is a wide open universe to build. This web site is devoted to one large
campaign aimed at the "Grand Scale". Here players start with at best a Lance of
equipment and Green pilots served by a small cadre of technical and medical personnel.
They can have at the most one support transport. All personnel
are Green save the Commanding officer of the Lance.
There is little to no role playing in this campaign as the players roll their
units into one unit(currently a full Regiment in size) to achieve the missions
set before them. As they play, their pilots, techs and other personnel grow
in experience as reflected in their pilot and gunnery skills. You
can see how they have faired by taking a look at the Unit History
page on this web site. It describes how the unit came to be and how it came
to be organized as it was. It also tells what has happened to the unit as
the players have fought their way across the Inner Sphere itself.
Each month a Saturday is chosen as the "battle date"(See the Message
board for Upcoming game dates). We gather in South Amboy, Central
New Jersey(and convenient to NYC and Philadelphia..though I have a regular from
Virginia) at noon on those days to "crush, Kill, destroy and "pray over our
dice". We chip in for food(pizza and the like) and bring our own drinks
and play til we are too tired to go on.
Take a look at the Units of the Angry Targets Regiment
and the pictures of the players. look at the pictures
of past games and see if it is something you would like to join in with!
anyone who can get here to visit is invited.
Just e-mail me for information!
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