We have a backload of articles, and with the, uh *cough* new site *ahem* not yet up, they wouldn't be posted for a while..... Well, here they are, and don't bitch at me for having the presentation so bad here, it's the best I can do, OK? First up, we have Hardcore's first column - well worth a read, and his second column, read that too. Sorry to Hardcore, these should have been posted a long time ago, blame, I don't know, earthquakes or hurricanes or the X-files. Blame Canada. Then, we've got Stu making his debut on the site, he was obviously bounced on his head once too often as a baby, as his piece is on CGW - it's here. But who am I to argue, I hear CGW is great, and all that. Mainly from Da Man. Then contractual obligations force me to put up another Cheers and Jeers by the kid you love to hate, Quint. Well,
that's pretty much it.... Uh, except for this interview I got with some guy called Remy "The Slammer" Arteaga... I guess you could read that, if you want. It's a little (OK, it's VERY) brief, but fairly informative. Yell