Why you too, should be terrified of Mt. St Helens!

A Scientific Analysis by Photographer X

For centuries man has feared, and rightly so, the molten underworld that makes up such a huge part of the area of our planet. My first major breakthrough in discovering the means of our diabolical nemesis was the discovery that the aliens main base for conducting their operations on this planet is not Outer Space, but rather "Inner Space" in the earth's molten core! These churning areas of molten rock and metal, properly excavated and equipped, provide the perfect hiding places and staging areas for their other-worldly craft. For have you ever wondered what really causes volcanoes? Or do you believe what they would have you believe, that volcanoes area merely natural ruptures where lava is forced from the earth by the pressure of shifting plates? Such an excuse can not hold water when pierced by the sharp sword of truth, that these so-called "volcanoes" are merely areas where the alien fiends expel the molten waste left over from burrowing out their high-tech underground lairs with their fearsome heat beams! Read this truth once, then read it again! For beneath every volcano on earth is a gigantic alien complex!

Therefore it stands to measure that such volcanically active regions, such as Mt. St Helens, and all volcanic Islands, should be avoided like the alien plague that they are. Is it coincidence that such areas have abduction and alien sighting rates 25% higher than average? These huge complexes are used for every conceivable function that the invading aliens need, including weapons and starship manufacturing, facilities for experiments, and alien R&R (which is said to involve certain country music stars, who have long been replaced on the surface with alien duplicates.) However, hundreds of smaller alien bases exist, tunneled through shallow dirt and rock, some of them only a few miles in diameter. The dirt and rubble removed in their excavation is commonly sold as "fill dirt" by alien-controlled landscaping firms.

In conclusion- stay away from volcanoes, both extinct and active! However, even then, there could be an alien base in a neighborhood near you.

Is there an alien base in your neighborhood? Common warning signs:

Signs reading "Dirt and gravel for sale"

Saucer-shaped craft silently rising from gaping holes in the earth

A sudden drop in the water table

You notice that the boss of a local quarry has the tendency to laugh maniacally and rub his hands fiendishly when he thinks he is alone

Tremors in the earth

Footprints leading from the mutilated corpse of your prize cow to a gaping shaft straight down through solid rock

An increase in sightings of strange lights in the sky

Under hypnosis, you recall being rolled on a gurney down a long metal tunnel, deep into the earth's core

A small, yet sinister, excavation similar to this:


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