Me Myself and well ME
(my grad pic)
This page is about you guessed it, ME!
recently updated due to my change of command!

My name is Bruce Allen Kepler Jr., I go by my middle name of Allen.

I was born in South Carolina in the Columbia area and have lived in the general area for my whole life.

I was in the Boy scouts and cub scouts almost making it to Eagle before I decided to quit

I've never been a what you'd call brilliant student in school, it's not that I'm not smart but for some odd reason I didn't have the desire to do super good in most classes, though in courses involving computers I was an exceptional student even to the point of teaching the teachers some things about the soft and hardware.

I enjoy mudding, surfing the net, creating web pages, playing RPGs with friends, and life in general.

I hate physical exertion and boring movies.:)

The day after my 18th Birthday I made a decision I partially regret, I joined the US Navy for 3 years. I'm in the Seamen Apprentice program. Now I find that There's no leaving and the Job that I'm going to have is going to be doing menial tasks such as scrapping paint and cleaning stuff. These jobs will be mine until I choose a rate to strike for which I've already decided one that seems intriguing to me.

My new ship (no pic available yet), on June 30, 1999 I'll be leaving the USS Platte and going to the USS Laboon DDG-58, and I'll be going on another Cruize in 2000, damit, at least I only have less than a year and a half left, the finally of my cruize will be becomeing a Civilian again! here's a link to my old page if you want to see my old ship

What I will get out of the Navy,

I will be receiving 30 thousand dollars for College when I finish my term. I don't plan on being in the Navy for longer than the 3 years I signed up for. I do plan on using the education plans of the Navy to the fullest, I hope to get at least one years worth of college out of the way before I am out.

What I will do after the Navy?

I plan on going to a college in the SC area trying for a degree in Computer Science or something like that. I hope to be somewhat successful and at least happy the for the rest of my life. :)

Hopefully I will have access to the net - maybe not as often but enough to keep up with my Net buddies and friends from home while "serving my country".

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