For fans of the game, once you have played a couple of million matches, you quickly realize that a few modifications to the rules would either increase the fun factor or the challenge. Here are a few examples of some rules that the club of card players that I instituted play by:

  1. Two at a time, please! It is a good idea to have a limit on how many of the same card can be used. Without a limit, one can easily have hundreds of shields points and dozens of weapons points with Binars and Metaphasic or Nutational Shields. There are other examples where a player can take advantage of too many of one card, cumalitive or otherwise. So it is in the best interests of all players if they are limited to two of any card, save for borg mercanaries and universal people and ships.
  2. Static Free! "Static Warp Bubble" is one of the few cards that have been outlawed by the group & I. A certain degree of fun is lost when you and your opponent are forced to discard half of you deck; you don't really get to play eachother at full potential. Other cards that have been aboloished are "Raise the Stakes" and "Telepathic Alien Kidnappers."
  3. Maximum capacity: four klingons and a targ! Here is a rule that I never managed to make stick to my group, but here's how it goes anyway: It's simple. A limit really should be set on tha amount of persons that a ship will take. The limit I propose is 3x the ships requirements, and 3 people for a ship with no requirements. This will effectively reduce 'cheap' points, where your opponent loads 20-25 people in a small ship and finishes all of his missions, all too well equipped to handle any or all of your dilemmas.
  4. Cloaked means you can't see me!
    One of the big faults in the Decipher game is that you can see exactly where cloaked ships are. Not only does this take the edge out of cloaking, but it also goes against everything we know about cloaking devices. It would be far better to remove cloaked ships from the playing surface and keep track of their whereabouts on a seperate sheet of paper.