Eternal damnation upon you, for you have found the secret lair of the great balcky!!! Well, long as your here, why don't I tell you a 'lil about myself.

I am, of course, Balcky, the guru of Mar Oscura. This nebula is located within the space of the Klingon Empire. But over 100,000 years ago, it was the thriving home of of the C'jaBal Monarchy. My people were among the first true intelligences of th Milky Way Galaxy. We shared a rich culture. After many millenia, some of our species decided that self improvement should be a focus of our peoples. At first, our education, philosophy, and spiritual growth was the main focus. But in the year 78319 M.C.E. an evil scientist who then went by the name Greftis M'anyik introduced cyborg components. The artificial body part replacements served to enhance many citizens physically, yet members of the Monarchial Senate, like myself, felt that cyborgs should never replace true C'jaBal. A series of civil wars erupted. The monarchy stood its ground. Cyborgs were destroyed, and the evil M'anyik with her followers were exiled into the far reaches of the galaxy, what is known as the Gamma Quadrant. The Monarchy was unable to destroy all cyborgs, however, and a band of them travelled into the stars toward the Alpha Quadrant. We knew that if they were to reach an inhabitated planet, they would turn any sentients into cyborgs much like themselves. We could not send the military after them, they were too far ahead, and we knew not their course heading. So, we made the greatest sacrifice possible. The C'jaBal ignited our own sun to supernova. The result was an explosion which destroyed the traveling Cyborgs and created this nebula. Through a process you could not understand, a handful of C'jaBal were turned to pure energy beings which could survive the Supernova. I was the only being to survive the process. Now I am the powerful caretaker of this nebula. I am able to create huge storms at will. I can summon black holes within the nebula, or simply cause large explosions of atoms to reduce even the most advanced starships to spacedust,


And if the Borg ever return to Mar Oscura, it will be their own funeral.

Ode to the C'jaBal Homeworld!