Warning...you are entering the mind of a demented individual!!

Owdyae...well, I have run out of official languages, so let's talk Pig Latin. If you have actually made it to this page, I admire you, because most people don't give a damn. This is the page where I get to babble on about myself and stroke my ego. There is still time to return to


It's cheap... ...and easy!!!!

I was born in Swindon, England and spent the first six years of my life in the small Cotswolds town of Cirencester. Enter losts of misty and deceiving memories of cobbled streets and ice cream shaped like feet. If you have met me you have heard my prime example of a proper British accent with a dash (ok...forklift full) of Jeff Foxworthy. That is because from the ages of 6 to 18 I was privelaged (read--heavy sarcasm here) to grow up in Valdosta, Georgia, the Deap South,...Dixie Land. You all know the song. So...why do I not spend my nights dressed in a white sheet (philosophy alert!)?? That I owe to my second and estranged family: First Assembly of God Church. Here I learned to love humanity, the world, and Our Father. So, I admit it...I raised myself Pentecostal. For some of you this may explain a few quirks in my character. I now live in Atlanta, a town made for me. I have 2 years of study left before receiving my BA, and then I hope to persue grad studies in archeology at Emory (all things and GPA's being well). One day I hope to marry and procreate, but for now I have decided to spare the world.

Ok...now that is out of the way, I will attempt to be a tad less boring. I am a psychotic, depressive, skitzo as all of my friends already know. I am even an official member of a cult, the SCA, as my friend Laura would say. For the literal-minded that was a bonafied joke--it's historical research through re-enactment. Check out the page!! So, in my spare time I like to sleep, chat, pretend I'm a thousand years old, and go to Masquerade's Foam night. For those of the deprived masses that have never had the luck to attend a Foam party..let me elaborate. Basically, they block off the dance floor and fill it with soap bubbles. You dance like krazy, get soaked to the skin, and try not to bust your ass. Hopefully, when attending you will have the sense I so obviously lacked that night and not wear platforms.

Before I go...I must mention a few more things about my life and those that are important in it. I do not have a family per se. I do not, on any true level, get along or know my biological family. I do have 2 sisters (13 and 10) and a brother (11). They are Lucy, Nyssa, and Jamie respectively. This summer, I returned to my roots in England and met Jamie for the first time. You can not believe what a wunderous experiance this was for me. I also saw the father whom I had had no communication with since I was 7. I asked him for money...nuff said. Nyssa, my sister in the United States, is the biggest BRAT and spoiled rotten. However, I do not think I could love my own daughter any more than I do her. She has always been and will ALWAYS be my fav lil' sis'. Okie...halt on the serious crap already!! Just had a few things that I felt needed to be mentioned on a page all about how krazy I am!! =0)

Ok...collective sigh of relief as that is all I can think of to ramble about for now. For those of you genuinely interested 1) GET A LIFE!! and 2) give me time--I'll add more. Sides I like to talk about myself. Lotsa love and funky salutez a la mundo.