Welcome to 

the Succession Wars 




Last update: August 12, 2001
(this date refers to the main page and not to the pages for games currently running)

*Please check out the News section for the latest comments on the future of Succession Wars*


*A Note from Vandal* - Please Note! Do not visit "my sponsors" from the Geocities pop-up java. I do not agree that I should have to have these on my page. I do not in ANY way support gambling and casinos, and I have removed my page for kids for this reason. I will not have children looking at a fun kids page only to be bombarded by advertisements that can be damaging (such as gambling). If you would like to support this, please feel free to go to www.geocities.com and send them a message. This note is my protest.

New Players Wanted

The primary purpose for this page is to provide a site for the competitors in the Play By E-Mail ( PBEM ) Succession Wars game. It is also a site for people to explore the possibility of playing this game. There are many different parts of this page to aid the gamers, and I am welcome to hear your suggestions as well. Please also point out any stale links.

The Succession Wars is a product of early Fasa Battletech that set up a Risk / Axis and Allies style environment for the entire Inner Sphere. Though not compatible with other Battletech gaming systems, this one was stand-alone and well made for its purpose. Do to its little known existence, I thought those who played could seek to group here and play in a limited way over the internet. All are welcome to take a look and see what is happening here.

All good boards are under construction, so watch out for the open man-holes. Feel free to give comments at any time, but no flames of Fasa’s game please...We are not here to debate the qualities of this product, but simply to enjoy playing it.

The Succession Wars

General information


GM Instructions



Games Being Run

The Clan Wars Project

Succession Wars Forum / Newsgroup on Yahoo Groups

Game 2 - The Fourth Succession War

Special Game Rules



International Relations


E-Mail GM (Ian McDermott)

Game 3 - The First Succession War



International Relations

Force Distribution


Turn Form

E-Mail GM (Kevin Kyrouac)

Game 4 - Fourth Succession War



International Relations

Force Distribution


E-Mail GM (Kevin Kyrouac)


Solaris7 Battletech Link Exchange
Member of the Battletech Link Exchange

© 2001

Original Founding and Work by: Vandal Stormovik

Maintained by: Kevin Kyrouac

E-Mail Kevin

Battletech and all the related terms are all trademarks of Fasa Corp.