The Ogdoad

(For On Hallowed Ground)

Most berks have heard of the Heliopolitan Ennead, the nine Egyptian powers of order; Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephythys. But a less well-known and equally important group of Egyptian powers, embodying chaos, are the Hermopolitan Ogdoad. Devout followers of the duality principle, as well as the rule of threes, their group is made up of two to the third power powers; eight. Popular with planewalkers for the mulitversal concepts they represent, the Ogdoad in some respects represent a group who have made a success of the 'loser' role in a pantheon taken by the Titans, Yam, the various lost Celtic powers, and many others. The Ogdoad have no leader, but consist of four co-equal couples. There are no recorded instances of the Ogdoad taking proxies, and none of them habitually use symbols. All of them appear either as frogs, serpents or baboons, without discriminating. Hermopolis, in Muspelheim, also called Khemenu, stands on an earthberg called the Island of Fire, said to have been the birthplace of a star.

Amon and Amaunet

Intermediate Powers, "Unseen Forces"

AoC: The paranormal; latent magic; portals and conduits; astral travellers.


WAL: Any

Home P/L/R: Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (Whispers in the Shadow)

Amon and Amaunet are the god and goddess of the invisible and the unknowable. Magicians, psionicists and those who travel in the Astral Plane call on their guidance against psychic winds and other terrors. Their realm, forming part of the city of Hermopolis, lies within one of the flaming earthbergs of Muspelheim. It is the only known location not on the first layer of a plane where the Astral touches an outer plane.

Heh and Hehet

Intermediate Powers, "Infinity"

AoC: The concept of infinity


WAL: Planewalkers and mathematicians

Home P/L/R: Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (The Steeple of Vision)

Heh and Hehet are the god and goddess who granted mankind (it is said) comprehension of the infinite. As such, they are much respected by planewalkers, who have to deal with such a distracting idea all the time. Their realm, the Steeple of Vision, is an enormous stone tower with a pointed top, the highest in the city, from where one can see out into the plane, thus bringing the concept of infinity home with a vengeance to those who visit it.

Kek and Keket

Intermediate Powers, "Darkness"

AoC: Darkness


WAL: Any

Home P/L/R: Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (the Dark Side), Ysgard/Nidavellir/Pax E Tenebris

Kek and Keket are the god and goddess of darkness, a portfolio more commonly linked with evil powers. They are said to watch over those who travel in darkness and keep them safe, although they do not like light. Their realm in Hermopolis consists of the whole underside of the earthberg, which is dark and barren. They also maintain a retreat in Nidavellir, Pax E Tenebris, which is almost unreachable.

Nun and Naunet

Intermediate Powers, "The Waters"

AoC: Waters, especially the ocean depths.


WAL: Any, but popular with merfolk and other subaquatic races

Home P/L/R: Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (Coolness), Arborea/Ossa/The Primeval Abyssal

Nun and Naunet are a husband and wife, brother and sister team representing the ancient waters. They are honoured by all who wish to enter the depths of the sea, and by those who live there. Their realm in Hermopolis is like an enormous bath-house, and is the coolest place in the layer, and a haven for visitors. In Ossa, they tend to a deep trench, said to be the deepest on the layer, which is dark and cold, and harbours unknown things.