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people have been killed here since November 15, 1997!
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!!UPDATED!! Letter to all Visitors !!UPDATED!!
Site Last Updated October 21st 1998
Hello everyone! Welcome to my page of horrors!=) This site started out as just a Scream page, but it has risen to become much much more than that. I now feature many different aspects of horror on my site bringing my love of fright to you on the internet! To go to each section, just click on the banners and they will lead the way!=) I hope you all enjoy and for those of you who are long time fans of my site, I hope you like the changes and hope you'll continue to visit my site! Now, make sure you see it all-if you dont today, make sure you bookmark me and come back soon! I'm always changing things, so there is always something new to see! As always, keep the e-mails coming. I dont always get to respond, but they all get read! Thanks again for visiting everyone!
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But before you do, go to my Freqently Asked Questions page and see if your answer is there!
Your first stop at It's all just one big Scary Movie should definitly be my tribute to the Scream Trilogy. It includes sections on Scream 1, Scream 2 and the upcoming Scream 3. It is the biggest Scream site on the internet and there are tons of things for you to look at read and participate in.
Your second stop should be my tribute page to Kevin Williamson's second big hit, I know what you did last Summer and its upcoming sequel. Its not by far as big as my Scream Trilogy section, but its worth a look see anyways. I bet you'll find out something in there that you didn't already know! So, go check it out, but be sure to come back here!
While your on your way through my site, you must see my More movies to make you SCREAM section. It was my second project on my site, and probably the second largest also. It has reviews/summaries of other cool horror movies with pictures to go with them. You can also participate in different interactive things there and see the latest in horror movie news.
My Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my tribute to the best horror show on television. Lots of people say that its not, but if you check out the show-its actually quite cool and very creative. There is always a monster that Buffy has to fight and kill. Anyways, if you aren't a fan of the show-check out this page anyways and I just know you soon will convert!=)
And soon coming to my site is a Dawson's Creek appreciation page focusing on the horror aspects of the television series which was created and written by our favorite little horror writter, Kevin Williamson. This page should be opened in a few months or sooner, so keep checking back often and soon I'll let you know exactly when it'll be open for all to see!=)
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All material for the movies and such is copyright of their respective owners. I have no
association with either company and I do not intend on stealing the copyrights. This page
is just the creation of a fan's mind only.