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Realm Of Fantasy: Terry Goodkind

Book One: Wizard's First Rule: An excallent book to read over and over again it also teaches you some things. Ok the book starts out with Richard looking for a vine that he thinks his father has left him to find as a last message. But little does he know that it was Darken Rahl who left it, in hopes he would find it and... well can't tell you everything. So Richard goes in search of the vine, after finding it he see's a woman walking trough the wood's in an area people don't live because it is so close to the boundry..Well I don't want to spoil the book but if you like what you read then you'll probbly like the book too. Book Two: Stone of Tears: A day after sending Darken Rahl to the underworld by using the wizard's first rule and tricking him into opening a box of Orden that in the end would kill him. Richard returns to the Mud People In hopes he and Kahlan can be married in front of their new friend's, but trouble does'nt want to leave them just yet. Richard starts to get (killer) head acks witch is caused by the gift. The Sister's of the Light apear and wish to take him away so he can be trained to controle the gift but Kahlan is not allowd to come, Shota also apears and tells him something the last thing he wishes to hear.... Darken Rahl is his father. Book Three: Blood of the fold: Ah another great book by Goodkind, I'm not going to tell to much of this book though it ranks just as good as the other two. Richard is free of thr Sisters of the Light and has beatin the spirt of his father after bringing him back in the last book. but inso doing his beloved Kahln was thought to have been beheaded, thats all I'm tellin for now but I've heard Goodkind is in the proses of making another book to his great series,I've also heard that he intends to have the whole series be a six book series that meanswe should expect three more wonderful books from this great auther.

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