....Having read 5,000 comics in a single sitting to win a bet.... this poor man suffered brain damage and appeared directly thereafter as- - - - -
From high atop the battered ramparts of truth and freedom.... He took arms against the wicked teeming minions of infamy, reprobation, crime, subversion, and wanton incontinence! While not a master of intellect, the blatantly obvious things WE often take for granted never escape HIS keen eye! Simple, candid, crazed, and madcap (quintessentially retarded), our hero fights on with a PLUCK and a SPIRIT that a totally American to the core!!!! A vicious firebrand of law and order, his FOAMING WRATH is MIGHTY! Yet his heart flows over with warmth and huuman kindness to all the good and honest people! Indomitable, intrepid, undaunted, he rises boldly from all defeat, disgrace and disaster..... (Even with BLOOD coming out) to soundly throttle the curs, brigands and bladerdashes of today's thin world! taken from a Flaming Carrot issue...