defender of justice!
- ALTER EGO: unknown
- HEIGHT:7'0"
- EYES: well-spaced
- WEIGHT:400 lbs.
- HAIR:fine
- BASE OF OPERATIONS:Arthur's Apartment
- OCCUPATION:weird blue avenger of crime
- SIGNIFICANT OTHER: ex-wife living in New Jersey
- GROUP AFFILIATION: freelance member of the human race
- LIKES: intrigue, adventrue, inner conflict, south pacific (the musical), things that explode, sculpted carpeting, the fickle caress of destiny
- DISLIKES:enemies, things that cause uncomfortable rashes, poverty of the soul, condimentss in tiny packets.
Something you didn't know.....
The Tick can floss all his teeth (even the back ones)
Tick's Best Bud Arthur! Tick's other Best Buds! Tick's Worst Enemies
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