Part 1 - Players |
Each player controls one squadron of fighters (8 total - 4 Leads and 4 Wings), one Air Base, and one Combat Zeppelin. You must inform the GM of your bases location, and whether you are, pirates, privateers, or militia for the country you are located in. |
Part 2 - Characters |
You have 4 Leads and 4 Wings in your squadron. You may designate one of your Leads as Squadron Commander. He will receive 700 pts. to generate his character. All other leads will only receive the standard 450 pts. (You may raise your Leads Con. Above 3) Your squadron commanders Wing will receive 450 pts for his character, all other Wingmen will receive the standard 350 pts. |
Please provide me will a copy of your squadron, so I can plan missions. |
Part 3 - Planes |
Each player will receive 8 planes of his choice. We will assume for, simplicities sake, that each player has enough money to maintain his plains. Either from years of stashing money from Pirate operations, or from your government (for Privateers and Militias.) |
Part 4-Games |
We will have a meeting of all the players before the campaign begins to discuss when we shall play, and how to handle challenges/missions. (I think we will use an open challenge system where I can write up a quick scenario for all players involved.) You never have to risk all of your planes on a mission, and your Zeppelin will not be involved in every mission. (It`s mainly your aircraft carrier to far away missions. also you do need to name your zeppelin and give it a captain (no stats.)) |
Note-If you are joining via the web-page please e-mail me the following information. Each Pilot's name, followed by his stats (as used in AAW's Warriors of the Air for senarios), plane he flys, and stats for the plane if you constructed it. I will be placing all constructed planes on the web site for others to use as well... |