Betsy's Favorite Books

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Since June 3, 1997

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Recommended Reading

Science Fiction

(Note: Linked titles take you to where you may read more about them and/or order them if you wish. These are truly my favorite books of all time and I highly recommend each and every one. Not one on this list does not sit on my own shelves at home, lovingly admired, and occasionally loaned to those I trust.)

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Everything Octavia Butler has ever written! Especially:
Mind of My Mind
The Parable of the Sower

Everything Issac Asimov has ever written! (Especially The Foundation Trilogy and The Robot novels)

The Lathe of Heaven—Ursula K. Le Guin

The Wind’s Twelve
—Ursula K. Le Guin

Dune—Frank Herbert

Startide Rising—David Brin

The Uplift War—David Brin

The Mote in God’s Eye—Niven & Pournelle

The Gripping Hand—Niven & Pournelle

Dream Park—Niven, Pournelle, & Barnes

Lucifer’s Hammer—Niven & Pournelle

Stranger in a Strange Land—Heinlein


Cat’s Cradle—Vonnegut


The Man Who Fell to Earth—Walter Tevis

The Tales of Alvin Maker—Orson Scott Card

The HomecomingSeries—Orson Scott Card


A Brief History of Time—Stephen Hawkings

Black Projects

The Montauk Project—Preston B. Nichols


Healing Words—Larry Dossey, M.D.

Creative Visualization—Shakti Gawain

The Secret Life of Plants—Tompkins & Bird

Life after Life—Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D.

The Celestine Prophecy—James Redfield

Physics Bordering on Spiritual

The Holographic Universe—Michael Talbot

The Tao of Physics—Fritjof Capra

God and the New Physics—Paul Davies


The Once and Future King—T.H. White

The Book of Merlyn—T.H. White

The Lord of the Rings—J.R.R. Tolkien
and The Hobbit—J.R.R. Tolkien

The Last Unicorn—Peter Beagle

The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Crystal Cave,
The Hollow Hills,
The Last Enchantment,

The Wicked Day by Mary Stewart


Islandia—Austin Tappan Wright

Herland—Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Handmaid’s Tale—Margaret Atwood

Star of the Unborn—Franz Werfel (Rare)


The Vampire LeStat—Anne Rice

Memnoch the Devil—Anne Rice

The Lasher Series—Anne Rice

The Stand—Stephen King

The Tommyknockers—Stephen King

Insomnia—Stephen King

The Shining—Stephen King


The Divine Comedy—Dante Alligheri

The Odyssey—Homer
This is the Fitzgerald translation which is excellent, but I also recommend a rare translation by T.E. Shaw (Lawrence of Arabia), which is exquisite but almost impossible to find.

The Lion in Winter—William Goldman (Simply brilliant)

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern
are Dead
—Tom Stoppard

Letters from the Earth by Mark Twain


Demian—Hermann Hesse

Narcissus and Goldmund—Hermann Hesse

Altas Shrugged—Ayn Rand

The Fountainhead—Ayn Rand

Lost Horizon—James Hilton

The Complete Sherlock Holmes—Arthur Conan Doyle

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