Welcome to Ryan's Guestbook!

Guillaume - 04/09/00 18:07:22
My URL:http://under construction

J'attends de nouvelles pic ;-) et + d'infos

Rex tremendae ignoramus! - 04/07/00 05:53:41
My URL:http://high.octane.hamster/tram.smash/~tilde
My Email:simonm@ast.com.au

Now that I've perused the revamped page, I can safely say I think it's terrific! :) Keep working on the Australian accent (you need to slur your words more, stick to sentences constructed from the least number of syllables and always remember ... THE BOOT )

Kartano! - 04/07/00 05:37:50
My URL:http://my.brain.hurts
My Email:smitchell@ljhtech.com.au

I'd like to put forth a plethora of blithe comments in regards to your page. But I haven't looked at it yet. So there!

Guillaume - 03/21/00 22:51:15
My Email:gmorlighem@free.fr

vraiment un très bon site web.

Guillaume - 03/21/00 22:42:11
My Email:gmorlighem@free.fr

le guillaume qui t'aime depuis longtemps

Krista - 03/06/00 16:04:48
My Email:double0seventeen@yahoo.com

Cool site. I especially enjoyed the criminally insane part. :)

Eileen Johnson - 03/04/00 04:44:52
My Email:angel_sr_01@hotmail.com

You are more talented than you think you are. it's me later

Brooke McMillin - 12/26/99 23:28:03
My URL:http://brookemcmillin.cc.st
My Email:santanachic00@juno.com

Hi, I too, am a net-junkie. Nice website, I enjoyed learning more about you. Keep Up the good work. Class of 2000 Rulez! brooke

Rusty - 07/25/99 22:19:53
My Email:emac@iapc.net

Get the links workin', Chick! Especially the one to my page. And my Aussie isn't wack, he's *grouse*! Send me the updates. Love ya sis! moi

Nico - 07/09/99 18:56:44
My URL:http://webnico.ctw.cc
My Email:n_golay@bluewin.ch

C'est cool comme page! Bravo et continue!

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