Les Forests de les Gangrels

So you've come to visit the Gangrel in their forest, huh? We don't usually allow visitors, but we'll make an exception ... this time. Unfortunately I'm forbidden to tell you the secrets of my clan and kin. Fortunately I'm Gangrel. That just changes all the rules now doesn't it. If your wondering about me personally such as what, I look like I hope to soon have a nice little picture of me. For now though you'll just have to take my word for it.
I stand about 6'3" in my vampyric attire, have long, flowing, burgundy hair and blue eyes. Yes I have the typical long teeth although they only surface when I need to feed. Black finger nails also compliment my long black duster and shirts (ususally with wolves). The Van Gogh (or gotique depending on how cultured you are), black pants, and motorcycle boots complete me nicely. From there you can use your imagination to sustain you until the picture comes. I am soon to be 601 undead years old. I was embraced in late autumn or 1396 after achieving twenty mortal years. On that fateful eve a band of cuthroat raiders destroyed my castle in Scotland. By the way I was not always known as Davon Hall, but was before, I was "reborn", Nathaniel of Dunbrack second son of the Earl. But I digress, raiders destroyed my home, beat me to, as the saying goes, within an inch of my life, left me for dead, and took my wife and children to be slaves. Depending on how you look at it, at times I think fortunately, at others... ehh, a Gangrel whom I have never known and mostlikely never will, found me lying in the grass outside the ashes that were once my home and without a say in the matter joined me to him. The pain was horrific and lasted for what seemed an eternity or two. When I came around, though, he was gone and I had nothing. Thus I set out searching for my family. Yes, I knew what I was from the start there were too many legends at the time to not know. For nights I searched for them until I found the band of raiders doing the same thing to a small village that they did too my home. Upon seeing them I went into a frenzied state the likes of which have never been see again. As I rushed upon their swords with something akin to anger and glee mixed, they screemed in horror just as had their prey. I slaughtered every last one even their steeds. Unfortunately, seeing me unsettled the villagers as they attacked the monster that I was, am, whatever. I began killing them as well. When I realized what I was doing I fled into the deepest part of the forest. When I found what I thought would be a safe haven from the burning rays of the sun I was set upon by others of my kind. Quickly they captured me and to me to their "leader". Where I was tried for breaking the Camirilla. Fortunately, I had not been introduced to that damn governmental institution and thus was allowed to live. After six centuries of living with it I'm begining to accept it as a way of life. At any rate I was allowed to live with them and was shown their ways, such as melding into the earth to hide from the suns deadly rays, and make my claws grow and eyes glow red at will. At least there are some neat tricks to do when your dead. I soon left my brethern to watch over my family. One night I went to them in disguise and took them to England where I told them to change their last name to Hall. Thus my living family came to be known. From then on I watched, unoticed, the first born son and every first born decendent until twenty years ago when things went slightly awry. At the time I was the only vampyre in Pocahontas County, WV and liked it that way. I associated with the lupines of its dark forests and watched my family as I had for centuries. One day a young toreador came into my territory. Now, usually I would have desimatted her where she stood, but having lacked much contact with my kindred I allowed her to stay if she would follow the simple rules that I set before her. She soon grew tired of my control and lashed out to rule my home. She quickly qualled when the lupines came to my aid. A few months later I was called upon by the gypsies of a neighboring territory and I left to aid them as our pact dictates. While I was absent the toreador decided that she would take a child to help her in her quest for control. Unfortunatley for her, she chose one of my decendents to embrace. I have a feeling that this was intentional. As I was joruneying home many months later one of my lupine brothers came to me with a stead, I didn't own a vehicle at the time, and told me what had transpired. I calmed the beast and galloped home at such a spead that when I arrived the horse's heart burst and died. I quickly sought out the bitch who had taken my grandchild's mortal life and dismembered her much as I had the villagers five and three quaters centuries before when I lost my family to the raiders. I then took my grandson under my wing and protected him until I came to Huntington, WV to watch how they lived. I soon decided to bring my grandson here to live and be protected by the Camirilla and the Gangrels. When all was taken care of I was approached by the sheirff and asked to be deputy of the city. I really had no intrest in the matter, but then thought better of it, because things often get out of hand in the city and decided to take the position to further protect my grandson. Since then I have taken on new features: purple slited eyes, wolves ears, and claws. These are all do to frenzied states, because a family member has been killed. I no longer hold any positions in Huntington, but would like to return there to see what has become of it since it's dealings with the Dark Prince. I do hope all is well. I have recently returned to the city and notice little has changed. The hierarchy is still at odds with it's followers and in need of great repair. Most of the ones that lived here when I last came to this place have all disappeared as is not unusual in our society. However, my friends Dimitri and Angilique returned the same night that I did. Dimitri has a daughter now as well. This is a development I had not expected, but am glad to see.

(c) John S. Perry, MW Publishing Company, 1997-1998.
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Written by Davon Hall of Clan Gangrel Email me here!

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