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FedComm News Page
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Finally! FedComm is on the move, we will be issuing and responding to challenges at http://www.teamwarfare.com. We have been very busy staying in the top 250 of the attrition scores, and we don't cheat, so we are proud that the General and Field Marshal have each held the number one rank position more than once! We still have a few brawlers who seem to like to mix it up and don't care who wins the battle, but by and large, we have some high power guns in our league!

We have found that since FedComm came to be a few years ago, we had many more members, but the core members are still here. Soon, we will post the rank system again and post the advancement program. Right now there are a few in the ranks who have moved up through personal promotion, however, there will be the opportunity to challenge for rank soon. 

There will also be a branch from this site for our members who are also addicted to Half-Life and Unreal Tournament. We are always on the lookout for new cool games and enjoy trying anything once, (but we don't snap into a new game unless everyone buys the retail version, many of us are in the software/IS industry and like to see people pay for what they use.)

There will also be some expansion in the LegoMechs as the younger team members submit more pics of their favorite mechs.

Webmaster: dhawkins@hotmail.com



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Copyright © 2000 Federated Commonwealth
Last modified: March 20, 2001