Welcome to Fathom's Link Page!

Click on the Hex logo!!
This is the most important link you could ever click in your life! Hex Entertainment, Inc. is the company responsible for the Gross Sin of Indecency known as QAGS, the Quick-Ass Game System. They're the ultimate underdog revolution in the gaming industry, proud supporters of fun over math, easy-to-use mechanics, and affordable products.

Click today, and check out the current issue of the Hex Entertainment gaming & fringe culture e-zine, "The Death Cookie".



So ye like Things Dark? Things Evil? Things Gothique? Then must ye enter the Dark Realm of the Wicked One, VOLTAIRE. Blessed by the Muses with gifts of Music, Art, and Parady, Voltaire will change your view on the Goth World forever!

Read an interview with Voltaire in the October issue of the Death Cookie! By Yours Truly.


I admit it - I'm a freaky Xena: Warrior Princess fanboy. I probably wouldn't be, except LaLa and NetGrrl have got such a rockin' Xena page goin' on! Lots of irreverent (yet in-depth!) reviews, superbly touched-up vid-caps from the show, and a Genuine Simulated Neck-Pinch Interrogation pop quiz! If you've seen even a single episode of Xena, even if only one time and it was against your will, take a look at this page!
Whaddya mean, subtext?


A Happy-land for ALL Discordians! Though in its infant stages now, some day this could become The #1 Erisian Website in the world! Don't believe me? They'll give you your own email account in exchange for any writings and rantings even vaguely Erisian!! Wouldn't you like to see "(your holy name here)@discordian.com"?
Hail Eris!  All Hail Discordian.com!

Wondering Where Your Lord Fathom
Sates His Hunger For MUD?

Purple Dragon MUD

No, not soupy earth! MUDs are "Multi-User Domains (and/or Dungeons)" and they are time-eating demons, sent to devour your life-essence. They are also quite a bit of fun, and FREE!

Purple Dragon features eight player races, three levels of remort (reincarnation as a potentially more powerful hero), bunches of clans and an actual on-going story! Best of all, you can waste even more time than usual thanks to their groovy gambling code! It beats the hell of of Medievia and Lost Rivers. You can even play through your web browser by clicking the telnet link on their homepage. (Though I recommend that all cool people use the free mud client, GMud. "Give Zuggy No Munny!"

Imagine Role-Playing


Are you a little worn out from playing decades of AD&D? Are you intimidated by super-complex rules systems like Rolemaster? I've got a suggestion for you! Two years in a row I've run into the guys from Imagine Role-Playing at Dragon*Con (a worthwhile link in itself - I suggest everyone attend!). This year I bought the book, and while it's not a mathematical representation of reality (not totally, anyway) it is a Damned Fine Game. Their website features a public Discussion Board, and a Player Registry, to help you find players in your area! It's pretty slick - check it out.

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