Family Crest

Jerominski Coat of Arms


AZURE: A horseshoe ARGENT ensigned with a cross crosslet OR, pierced by an arrowpoint downward in pale ARGENT, feathered OR.

OR: (Gold) denotes Faith, Justice and Mercy.
ARGENT: (Silver) represents Humility and Innocence
AZURE: (Blue) denotes Justice and Loyalty

The JEROMINSKI name is registered in the book of heraldry as number "047034" dated "4-9-73", Artist "WR", Reference "RI" (page no. 239).

From the 'Heraldry Frequently Asked Questions' file (

You'll soon find that there's lots of nonsense written about heraldry. Always remember that the origins of heraldry are lost in antiquity, that many writers on heraldry have simply copied each other's mistakes, and that there is much disagreement among heralds. Remember, too, that a "rule" which applies in one place at one time may not travel well to another time or place.

Q: How can I find my coat of arms or my family's coat of arms?

A: This is a difficult question to answer; it requires a great deal of research and skill.

In most countries in the world, you can bear any arms you want. This is the way in which arms were originally adopted, before codification and regulation by European heralds and rulers.

However, many people consider it wrong to adopt someone else's arms. In some countries, notably Scotland, this is not only dishonourable but illegal.

In particular, there are no laws regulating the use of non-governmental arms in the US. The American government neither grants nor recognizes armory. You can adopt any arms you choose and use them however you want

*** Your last name has nothing to do with the matter. ***

Q: What is the difference between a coat of arms and a crest?

A: Many people mistakenly call a shield bearing arms a crest, for example in the phrase "my family's crest", which usually refers to the shield itself, or perhaps a badge.

A full English coat of arms (an "achievement") consists of:

  • a shield (with arms painted on it, obviously);
  • above the shield, a helm or helmet;
  • hanging from the helm, the mantling, which represents a piece of cloth used for protection from the sun. The mantling is frequently arranged in decorative swirls around the shield, suggesting a tattered cloth hacked about in fighting;
  • a torse, or wreath, being twists of cloth wound around the helmet;
  • the crest, sitting on the torse.

    There may also be, if the bearer is entitled to them:

  • a supporter on each side of the shield (in some cases there may be only one supporter);
  • a compartment for the supporters to stand on;
  • one or more collars of orders of knighthood surrounding the shield, or symbols of office (eg batons) behind it.

    Not all the elements have to be present; the essential part is the shield. There may also be other bits and pieces, such as mottos, badges or war cries.

    Q: How do you blazon a coat of arms?

    A: Coats of arms are described in a technical language, devised over the centuries by heralds, with the aim of describing even the most complex coats concisely and unambiguously.

    This language cannot be summarised usefully herein. The book by Moncreiffe, Franklyn, Boutell (Brooke-Little) and Friar is particularly useful.

    Q: What do arms mean?

    A: Without knowing the circumstances of the original grant, it is difficult to say whether a coat means anything at all, except that someone (grantee or herald) liked the design.

    Q: How inviolable is the rule of tincture?

    A: The "colours" used on shields are strictly called tinctures; there is a limited range which varies somewhat from place to place and time to time. These tinctures are divided into two groups: gold and silver, which are called the metals, and all the others, which are called the colours. In Woodward's words, it is a "primary heraldic canon" that colour is not placed on colour, nor metal on metal. This rule was used to ensure that coats of arms could be easily recognised at a distance or in the heat of battle.

    Q: Is the Court of Chivalry dead?

    A: In mediaeval times heraldry was strictly regulated, and in England there was a Court of Chivalry to deal with heraldic jurisdiction. This court had a chequered history, going into abeyance more than once.

    This English Court of Chivalry most recently sat in 1954, after a long period of disuse. During that judgement (a case of assumption of another's arms) it was declared that the Court should sit only in very exceptional circumstances. There have been changes in the English legal system since 1954 which would make it difficult for the Court to sit again without legislation.
    The situation is quite different in Scotland: Lyon Court functions as it always has.

    Do you know of a different Jerominski Crest? If so please submit it so we may add it to our collection ---
