The Hellenic Orthodox Youth Group of Cape Town (HOYGCT)

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  Hellenic Orthodox Youth Group  
  Hellenic Orthodox Church  

History of the Hellenic Orthodox Youth Group
Of Cape Town, South Africa (H.O.Y.G.C.T.)

The Hellenic Orthodox Youth Group of Cape Town was founded by the Very Reverend Archimandrite Penteleimon P. Labadarios in the year of the Lord 1997.

Father Panteleimon honoureding the Pope and PAtriarch of Alexandria and of All Africa Petros the 7th, placed the H.O.Y.G.C.T. under His diurect spiritual guidance and protection.

On Saturday the 10th May, 1997, and unofficial meeting was held between Father Panteleimon, Natasha Kanias, President of the Hellenic Students Association (H.S.A.) and Peter Garitsis, Vice President of the H.S.A at the Rose Memorial Monument. They visited His Eminence Paul Varnavas, Archbishop of Good Hope and asked for His blessings. During that meeting Father Panteleimon expressed his ideas about organizing the Orthodox Youth as a religious group. The meeting lasted three hours.

On Friday, the 23rd of the same month, Natasha invited Father Panteleimon to her flat in order to meet the rest of the H.S.A. Committee. It was a wonderful meeting. Natasha Kanias, Peter Garitsis, Heleni Papazoglou, Douka Coulbanis, Fofi Tzimis and Adele Kakmbouras attended. Father Panteleimon analysed the aims of the Youth Group which he wished to establish.

The following month, Monday (2/6/97), the H.S.A. Committee visited Father Panteleimon at his flat in Sea Point. On the 21st of June, Natasha and Peter made another visit to Father in order to set down the Constitution of the H.O.Y.G.C.T.

The H.O.Y.G.C.T. began on Friday the 27th of June, 1997. The meeting was held at the Hellenic Community Centre at Moullie Point. At the first meeting 38 members enrlled on the storming evening.

On the 9th of July, with the assistance of Demitri and Alex Baroutsos, the Youth was on the Internet at: http://welcome.to/theYouth/

Both Demitri and Alex Baroutsos designed the layout of the webpages and the H.O.Y.G.C.T. is greatful for their contribution in this regard. This website is proudly sponsored by Cyber Classifieds cc.

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A Brief History Of The Orthodox Church.

The Orthodox Church is the original Church established by Christ Himself and the Holy Apostles. It began to function on the Day of Pentecost (33 AD). On that day the Holy Spirit descended on the Twelve Apostles and those gathered in the Upper Room. By that afternoon some three thousand souls believed in Christ and were baptized. The first Christian Community (Jews and Greeks) were Orthodox, as "they continued steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers" (Acts 2:42). From Jerusalem, the Orthodox Faith in Christ spread throughtout Judea, to Samaria (Acts 8:5-39), to Antioch and to the Gentiles (Acts 11: 19-26).

Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Holy Spirit and guides the Orthodox Church "into all truth" (John 16:13). The Holy Orthodox Church is the "dwelling place of God in the Spirit" (Eph. 2:22), the living Body of Jesus Christ which continues the work of salvation throughout the centuries. Within this Holy Body the Orthodox Christians, who live the life and faith, are transformed into holy personalities, saints.

The Orthodox Church maintained the Truth of God as revealed by Christ and taught by His Holy Apostles. The Church began under the teachings of the Apostles, and was instructed to "stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle" (2 Thess. 2:15). The doctrines taught by Christ and His disciples are to be safeguarded by "the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim. 3:15). These doctrines are not open for renegotiation. The Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-35), set the pattern for the use of church councils. These Councils settled doctrinal and moral issues, which are in full agreement to the teachings of Holy Scriptures and the Holy Apostolic Tradition.

Through Church History many heresies or false teachings arose. The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the One United Orthodox Church, all dealt first and foremost with specific challenge to the Apostolic Teachings about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God (the Theotokos Maria), the Saints and their holy relics and holy icons, the Holy Sacraments, the Church, salvation, eternal life etc.

The Church which preserved and defended the New Testament Apostolic Faith and Doctrines, through all persecutions, trials, attacks and tests, was called "The Orthodox Church". This original Church of the Apostles, despite persecution and political oppression, miraculously carries the same Faith and Life of the Church of the New Testament. Today, that simple Christ-centered faith of the Apostles is fully preserved in its Doctrines, Traditions, practices, services, and even in its architecture of the Orthodox Church.

In Orthodoxy the basics of Christian Doctrine, Worship, and Goverment are never up for alteration. One cannot be true Orthodox, if one rejects the divinity of Christ, His virgin birth, the Ressurection and Ascension into heaven, the Second Comming, the Virgin Mary, the Saints of the Church and their holy icons and relics, the Sacraments, etc. The Orthodox Church has not left its course in nearly two thousand years. It is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of the New Testament.

The Orthodox Church is the original and pure Church of the New Testament. It is the first Christian Church in history. The Church was founded by the Lord Jesus Christ, and described in the pages of the New Testament. The fullness of the New Testament faith is to be found only in the the New Testament Church, the Orthodox Church. This fullness of faith of the New Testament is what is missing in all other contemporary christian denominations, the non-Orthodox, even the best of them. And all of them speak about Christ and His Teachings, but the essential matter is how they speak about Christ. Does one speak the whole truth about Christ, or does one choose only some verses from the Bible? Does one teach and interpretate the Holy Scriptutes cprrectly, or does one twist the truths of Scriptures to fit their own way?

One must never forget that Christ established only ONE CHURCH, He did not give anyone the authority to open their own church, as these churches are not CHRIST's, but merely a manmade gathering which serve other intentions.

For persons who seriously desire the fullness of Christianity, they must be aware of this ancient Church. But this is not enough. They must return to the original Church of the New Testament. They must become Orthodox Christians.

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church, by God's mercy, kept the Faith delivered to the saints. Within her walls of Orthodoxy is the fullness of salvation. All Orthodox Christians, Greeks, Russians, Serbs, Boulgarians, Rumanians, English, Africans, Australians, Japanese, Koreans, Americans must stand fast and keep to the original faith of the Holy Apostles. We must give a good example to the non-Orthodox to become Orthodox.

All Orthodox Christians living in or visiting Cape Town are welcome to participate in all religious functions of the Orthodox

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