The Gospel Of The Holy Twelve

(The Unaltered True New Testament)
Known Also As The Gospel Of Perfect Life
Translated From The Original Aramaic
And Edited By
The Rev.Gideon Jasper Richard Ouseley

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             by S. G. J. OUSELEY
    Translated from the original Aramaic and edited by a disciple of the Master. This is one of the most ancient and complete Christian fragments, preserved in one of the monasteries of the Buddhist Monks in Tibet, where it was hidden by some of the Essene community for safety from the hands of corrupters and now for the first time translated from the Aramaic. The contents clearly show it to be an early Esserian writing. The ancient community of the Jewish church, called Yessenes, Lessenes, Nazarites or Nazirs, strongly resembled the Therapeutae, and the Buddhists, who practiced community of good, daily abulutions, daily worship, and renounced flesh eating, and strong drink and the sacrifice of animals, and the doctrine of "atonement" for the sins of some by the vicarious and involuntary suffering of others, as held by the Pharisees and Saducees.
201 pages -  ISBN 0-7873-1100-6 - Price: $23.00 - Available from Health Research

Be A Light Unto Yourself

    It is better to say, "I am blind. I don't know any color and I don't know any light, and unless my eyes open, there is no sun and there can be no sunrise." Insist, so that you can work upon your eyes. Don't carry the books; they talk about rainbows seen by others, they talk about sunrises experienced by others. Don't carry the borrowed God when you can encounter God directly, immediately. Why create barriers of books between you and God? Burn the books! -- that is the message -- throw them in the fire.
    People come to me and ask, "What is God?" And I ask them, "Did this question come out of your own life or have you read some book which talks about God and so you have become curious? If your curiosity has arisen out of learning it is useless. It is not your question. And if the question is not yours, no answer can be of any help. When the basic thing is borrowed, when even the question is borrowed, you will go on borrowing the answers. Seek your authentic question. What is your question?"
    If all books were burnt, the world would be more Religious. There are so many books and readymade answers that everybody knows the question, the answer. It has become a game; it is not your Life. The world should be freed of books, should be freed of all ideals, should be freed of all borrowed inquiries. Every man should start feeling his own Heartbeat, his own Pulse -- where it leads, what it desires, what his question is. If you can find your question, the answer is waiting just nearby. It may be that in finding the question you have already found the answer, because the answer lies in Authenticity. If the question is Authentic, if you have become Authentic in questioning, fifty percent of the problem is already solved. Just a little more effort, going a little deeper, and the question always hides the answer behind it.
    Looking is already prejudiced. If you are looking for God, you will never find God -- because looking means you have a certain idea already of who God is. And your idea is bound to be either Christian or Judaic or Hindu or Mohammedan. Your idea is going to be your concept and your concept can never be higher than you. And your concept is bound to be your concept. Your concept is bound to be rooted in Ignorance, Borrowed. At the most, it is just Belief; you have been Conditioned for it. Then you go on looking.
    First, drop all that is borrowed on your Being and then you will be able to feel. It always leads you to the right place, to the right goal. The thing that you call Conscience right now, it is not your Conscience. It is a substitute, Pseudo-Conscience, Fake, Counterfeit. Drop it! and by its very dropping, you will be able to see hidden behind it your real Conscience which has been waiting for you. Once that Conscience comes into your Consciousness your life has a direction.
    When they ask a question, Zen masters don't expect an answer verbally, they expect some gesture of spontaneous understanding. And remember: verbal answers you can get from Scriptures, they can be borrowed, they can be Second-Hand and a Second-Hand answer is never true. A Second-Hand God is never true. A Second-Hand Truth is never true. Beware of Second-Hand things.
    FIRST, KNOW WELL THAT INTELLECTUALITY is not Intelligence. To be intellectual is to be phony; it is a pretending Intelligence. It is not real because it is not yours; it is borrowed. Intelligence is the growth of Inner Consciousness. It has nothing to do with Knowledge, it has something to do with Meditativeness.
    KNOWLEDGE IS NOT YOURS, THAT'S WHY. It is borrowed. And can you borrow Truth? Truth is untransferable; nobody can give it to you. Not even an alive Master can transmit it to you. You can learn, but it cannot be taught. So what to say about dead Scriptures, howsoever Holy they may be? They must have come from some original source; some Master, someone Awakened must have been at the very source of them but now they are only Words. They are only Words about Truth, information about Truth.
    Then you can understand the meaning of Buddhas last utterance. Be a Light unto Yourself. When he says be a Light unto Yourself he means: if you have surrendered to Life you have become a Light unto Yourself. Then Life leads you. Then you always live in Enlightenment. When he says. 'Be a Light unto Yourself, He is saying don't follow anybody, don't cling to anybody. Learn from everybody but don't cling to anybody. Be open, vulnerable, but remain on your own, because finally the Religious experience cannot be a borrowed experience. It has to be Existential; it has to be your own. Only then it is Authentic. If I say something and you believe in it, it is not going to help. If I say something and you search, and you surrender, and you trust, and you also experience the same,  then it has become a Light unto Yourself. Otherwise my words will remain words; at the most they can become Beliefs. Unless you experience the Truth of them, they cannot become Truth, they cannot become your own Truth. My Truth cannot become yours, otherwise it would have been very cheap. If my Truth could be yours then there would be no problem.
Be A Light Unto Yourself

The Greatest Healing Force
Is Love And Compassion For ALL Life

    Compassion and Love are the greatest Healing forces in the World and nothing goes deeper than Compassion and Love. Compassion being the Highest form. It Heals not only the Body, not only the Mind, but also the Soul. If one can Love and have Compassion for all Life, then all of one's wounds will surely disappear.
    Then one becomes Whole and Healthy and to be Whole and Healthy is to be Holy and in touch with the Divine. Physical Health is a Superficial Phenomenon. It can happen through a Fruit and Vegetarian Diet, through Natural Medicines and it can happen through Science. But the Innermost Core of one's Being can only be Healed through Love and Compassion. Those who know the Secret Of Love know the greatest Secret Of Life. Then there is no Misery for them, no agony, no old age, no death. Of course the Body will become old and the body will die, but Love and Compasssion reveals to you the Truth of Life that you are not the Body, you are not the Mind. You are Pure Consciousness, you have no birth, no death. And to Live in that Pure Consciousness of Life is to Live in Harmony with all theUniverse. Bliss is a by-product of that Living in Harmony.
     Only that person who has Accepted himself, and in his Acceptance has Accepted the Whole World and Everyone. This State of Mind is what Total Acceptance and Love is all about. And this Acceptance is Healing, Therapeutic? Just being with somebody who Accepts you Totally is Therapeutic. You will be Healed and they are Healed.
     Once you Accept, once you don't complain, once you don't fight, once you Accept the other your Energy has become One Within you. So much Energy is released because now there is no conflict and the release of your Energy itself becomes a Healing Force in this world of Misery. Healing doesn't come from the outside. All that medicines can do is to help the body to bring its own Healing force into action. All that a doctor can do is just to help you to find your own Healing power Within. Health cannot be forced from the outside, it is your own Energy flowering, only when your Energy is Whole and not in conflict.
    Fall in Love with the Transcendental and search for it. The search has to be through the Heart and not through the Mind. If you search through the Mind, you will never go beyond the Mind. The Mind is very Jealous and it won't allow you to surpass it because it is very Possessive. The Heart is not a prison, it is an Opening, it is a Door to the Beyond, not a wall. Fall in Love with the Beyond' and only the search for the Beyond makes a Man truly a Man.
The Greatest Healing Force


     The most colossal of the blunders of the Septuagint translators, supplemented by the most insidious, persistent and purposeful falsification of text in The King James Bibles, is instanced in the false translation of the Notoriously false pretended "prophecy" of Isaiah 7:14, -- frauds which have had the most disastrous and fatal consequences for Christianity.
     In the "Gospel according to St. Matthew  KJV," the Septuagint translation of Isaiah, the Jewish Mary yielding to the embraces of the Angel Gabriel to engender Jesus, and backs it up by appeal to the Septuagint translation of Isaiah 7:14:
     "Behold, a Virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel." (Matt. 1:23.)
     "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Isa. 7:14)
     Isaiah's original Hebrew, with the mistranslated words underscored, reads: "Hinneh ha-almah harah ve-yeldeth ben ve-karath shem-o immanuel"; -- which, falsely translated by the false pen of the pious translators, runs thus in the English: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isa. vii, 14.)
    The Hebrew words ha-almah mean simply the young woman; and harah is the Hebrew past or perfect tense, "conceived," which in Hebrew, as in English, represents past and completed action. Honestly translated, the verse reads: "Behold, the young woman has conceived -- (is with child) -- and beareth a son and calleth his name Immanuel."
    The actual Hebrew words, read from right to left, and transliterated, so that the reader who knows no Hebrew may at least catch some words already become familiar, are:
     "laken yittan adonai hu lakem oth hinneh ha-almah harah ve-yeldeth ben ve-karath shem-o immanuel."
     Literally translated into English, in the exact order of the Hebrew words, the "prophecy" reads:
     "Therefore shall-give my-lord he [himself] to you sign behold the-maid conceived (is pregnant) and-beareth son and- calleth name-his immanuel."
     Here the word harah (conceived) is the Hebrew perfect tense, which, as in English, represents past and completed action; there is not the remotest hint of future tense or time. Being the Young Woman is pregnant she is surely not a Virgin.
     Almah means simply a young woman, of marriageable age, whether married or not, or a virgin or not; in a broad general sense exactly like girl or maid in English, when we say shop-girl, parlor-maid, bar-maid, without reference to or vouching for her technical virginity, which, in Hebrew, is always expressed by the word bethulah. But in the Septuagint translation into Greek, the Hebrew almah was erroneously rendered into the Greek parthenos, Virgin.
     "As early as the second century B.C.," says the distinguished Hebrew scholar and critic, Salomon Reinach, "the Jews perceived the error and pointed it out to the Greeks; but the Church knowingly persisted in the false reading, and for over fifteen centuries she has clung to her error." (Orpheus, p, 197.) The truth of this accusation of conscious persistence in known error through the centuries is proved by confession of St. Jerome, who made the celebrated Vulgate translation from the Hebrew into Latin, and intentionally "clung to the error," though Jerome well knew that it was an error and false; and thus he perpetuated through fifteen hundred years the myth of the "Prophetic Virgin Birth" of Jesus called Christ.

The Notorius Virgin Birth Fraud


    There is not a single authoritative reference source which gives the name Jesus or Iesous as the original name. All of them admit that the original form of the Name was Yahshua, Why then, was it changed from Yahshua to Jesus? In fact Yahshua never ever heard of the Name Jesus or Christ, these Names are all Catholic inventions of the Pagan Catholic Church, which Modern Christianity chose to follow rather than Truth. The "J" did not exist untill 400 years ago.
    Many Hebrew names of the Old Testament prophets have been "Hellenised" when these names were rewritten in the Greek New Testament. Thus, Isaiah became Isaias, Elisha became Elissaios or Elisseus (Eliseus) and Elijah became Helias in the Greek New Testament. The King James Version has retained some of these Hellenised names. Since the King James Version was published, the newer English versions have ignored these Hellenised names of the Greek New Testament, and have preferred, quite correctly, to render them as they are found in the Hebrew Old Testament, namely: Isaiah, Elisha and Elijah. Incidentally, the similarity between the Hellenised Helias, instead of Elijah, and the Greek Sundeity Helios, gave rise to the well-known assimilation of these two by the Church.
    Dr. A.B. Cook, in his book, ZeusA Study in Ancient Religion, vol. 1, p. 178-179, elaborates on this, quoting the comments of a 5th century Christian poet. Imagine it, Elijah identified with Helios, the Greek Sun-deity! Returning to our discussion on the reluctance of the translators to persist with all of the Hellenised names in the Greek of the New Testament, one could very well ask: But why did they persist with the Hellenised Iesous, and its further Latinised form Iesus? It is accepted by all that the Hebrew Name was Yahshua. So why did the translators of the Scriptures not restore it, as they did with the names of the Hebrew prophets? It is generally agreed that the Hebrew Name is identical or very similar to that of the successor to Moses, Joshua. But "Joshua" was not the name of the man who led Israel into the Promised Land. The Greeks substituted the Old Testament "Yahshua" with Iesous, the same word they used in the New Testament. Subsequently the Latins came and substituted it with Josue  (Iosue) in the Old Testament, which became Joshua in English, but used Iesus in the New Testament. In the Hebrew Scriptures we do not find the word "Joshua". In every place it is written Yahshua. However, after the Babylonian captivity we find the shortened form "Yeshua" in a few places shortened, because they then omitted the second and third letters. Everyone who sees the names Yahshua and Iesous will agree: there is no resemblance between the names Yahshua and Iesous or Iesus.
Jesus The Non-Original Name

God-Oriented Religions

    The difference between God-oriented religions and the religions without God is immense. The God-oriented religions are simply fiction. But lies told again and again and again start appearing to be almost true. God as the ultimate lie creates many lies around itself, because no lie can stand alone. Because no lie is self-evident, it needs other lies to support it; hence, all God-oriented religions have created many lies to support God.
    Truth can stand on its own legs, but not a lie. Truth needs no argument, but not a lie; a lie needs many arguments, many fabricated proofs, many imaginary evidences. Truth is utterly naked -- either you know it or you don't.
    God-oriented religions are a disease of the Soul, a sickness of the Mind, because God is only your fear, your dread, your anxiety, your insecurity. And then comes prayer, and then comes the priest, and then comes the organized religion, the Church. True religiousness cannot be God-oriented. True religiousness is your own interiority, your own inner space.
    And you can see the differences between these two kinds of people. Those who follow a God-oriented religion don't show any Compassion, don't show any Ecstasy, don't show any Blissfulness. On the contrary, they are very violent, they are very much against freedom. They are in constant fear that somebody will object to their lies and they will not be able to answer, because all that they have is only a Belief System. A Belief System can help you to forget your ignorance, but it does not destroy it. So the God-oriented man lives in ignorance and believes that he Knows.
    And mere words, theories, hypotheses, are not going to change your Character. They can at the most make you a Hypocrite. They can give you a beautiful mask but not your Original Face. They can create a very convenient Personality, but they cannot create or discover your Beautiful Individuality. And the personality, however convenient, is a heavy weight on your chest, on your heart, because you are living a lie. Nobody can feel at ease when he is living a lie. They will always have to defend it.
God-Oriented Religions

Jesus Releaseth The Rabbits And Pigeons

    1. IT came to pass one day as Jesus had finished his discourse, in a place near Tiberias where there are seven wells, a certain young man brought live rabbits and pigeons, that he might have to eat with his disciples.
    2. And Jesus looked on the young man with love and said to him, Thou hast a good heart and God shall give thee light, but knowest thou not that God in the beginning gave to man the fruits of the earth for food, and did not make him lower than the ape, or the ox, or the horse, or the sheep, that he should kill and eat the flesh and blood of his fellow creatures.
    3. Ye believe that Moses indeed commanded such creatures to be slain and offered in sacrifice and eaten, and so do ye in the Temple, but behold a greater than Moses is herein and he cometh to put away the bloody sacrifices of the law, and the feasts on them, and to restore to you the pure oblation and unbloody sacrifice as in the beginning, even the grains and fruits of the earth.
    4. Of that which ye offer unto God in purity shall ye eat, but of that kind which ye offer not in purity shall ye not eat, for the hour cometh when your sacrifices and feasts of blood shall cease, and ye shall worship God with a holy worship and a pure Oblation.
    5. Let these creatures therefore go free, that they may rejoice in God and bring no guilt to man. And the young man set them free, and Jesus break their cages and their bonds.
    6. But lo, they feared lest they should again be taken captive, and they went not away from him, but he spake unto them and dismissed them, and they obeyed his word, and departed in gladness.
    7. AT that time as they sat by the well, which was in the midst of the six Jesus stood up and cried out, If any are thirsty, let them come unto me and drink, for I will give to them of the waters of life.
    8. They who believe in me, out of their hearts shall flow rivers of water, and that which is given unto them shall they speak with power, and their doctrine shall be as living water.
Jesus Releaseth the Rabbits And Pigeons


       This is the word used in most English versions as a rendering of the New Testament's Greek word ekklesia. Ekklesia really means "a calling out", a meeting or a gathering. Ekklesia is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew qahal, which means an assembly or a congregation. Neither ekklesia nor qahal means a building. Tyndale, in his translation, uniformly translated ekklesia as "congregation" and only used the word "'churches" to translate Acts 19:37 for heathen temples!  Whence the word "church", then? Ecclesiastical sources give the origin as kuriakon or kyriakon in Greek. However to accept this, one has to stretch your imagination in an attempt to see any resemblance. Also, because kuriakon means a building (the house of Kurios=Lord), and not a gathering or meeting of people, as the words ekklesia and qahal imply, therefore this explanation can only be regarded as distorted, even if it is true. Our common dictionaries, however, are honest in revealing to us the true origin. They all trace the word back to its Old English or Anglo-Saxon root, namely circe. And the, origin of circe? Any encyclopedia, or dictionary of mythology, will reveal who Circe was. She was the goddess daughter of Helios, the Sun deity! Again, another form of Sun worship, this time the daughter of the Sun deity, had become mixed with the Messianic Faith.
    Some interesting facts emerge from the study of the word circe. The word is related to "circus", "circle", "circuit", "Circean", "circulate", and the various words starting with circum-". The Latin pronunciation could have been "sirke" or "sirse". The Old English word circe may have been pronounced similarly to "kirke", or even "sirse".
    However, Circe was in fact originally a Greek goddess where her name was written as: Kirke, and pronounced as such — just as in numerous similar cases of words of Greek origin e.g. cyst and kustis, cycle and kuklos, cylinder and kulindros. The word "church" is known in Scotland as kirk, and in German as Kirche and in Netherlands as kerk. These words show their direct derivation from the Greek Kirke even better than the English "church". However, even the Old English circe for "church", reveals its origin.
    Let us rather use the Scriptural "Assembly" or "Congregation", and renounce the word that is derived from Circe, the daughter of the Sun deity which is worshiped even today on the day of the Sun, Sunday! Circe, daughter of the well known Sun deity Helios. This "Circe" is the identical Old English word  for "Church". See any dictionary.
  Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Gautam The Buddha

    The Essential Teaching of Gautam the Buddha is not a teaching at all, but an Awakening. A way to become more Aware. He does not give you a Doctrine about Existence, but he gives you a Methodology to see That Which Is. He is not concerned with God, he is not concerned with the Other World Beyond. His whole concern is you -- the Awareness Within.
    Hence Buddha has been misunderstood by almost everybody. The religious people have not been able to understand him because he does not talk about God. They have not been able to appreciate him because he does not talk about the Other World. And all the religions have depended on the Other World. They are against THIS world and for some Illusory World somewhere there in the Future and beyond this Life, beyond this Body, beyond this Moment Here and Now and beyond this Reality. Their whole world is a Fantasy World. They persuade people to sacrifice the Real for the Unreal, they persuade people to sacrifice That Which Is for That Which is Not Yet and may not ever be. They persuade people to sacrifice the Present for the Future, how can they understand the Buddha? Because he does not talk about the Other World at all. He is not an Other-Worldly One.
    But he has not satisfied the Materialists either, the Atheists either. Because they think this is all that there is, to eat, drink, be merry. And Buddha says: This is not all that there is. You are living only on the surface of things. There is a depth to things, but that depth can be known, fathomed, only if depth to you goes deeper into your own Being, into your own Consciousness.
    Naturally, the Materialists, the This-worldly People, cannot agree with Buddha, because they say, "This is all. The surface is all, the outside is all, there is no Inside to it."
    But his approach is a Methodology, not a Doctrine. It is a way of Life. People live like Robots, they live Mechanically. Buddha says, Live non-Mechanically. Each of your acts has to be Luminous with Awareness. And then each act starts revealing Reality to you.
Gautam The Buddha And Ananda

From Unconsciousness To Consciousness

    While you are Asleep or Unconscious, you can make any person a Communist, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Mohammedan. Because it will be in his Unconscious, he will be absolutely unable to go beyond it. He will not be able to get rid of it, because the Unconscious Mind is nine times more powerful than the Conscious Mind. The Conscious Mind is only the tip of the iceberg because one tenth of your Mind is Conscious, nine tenths is Unconscious.
    And only when you are Conscious, your Consciousnesss is simply Consciousness, it is neither Chinese nor Korean nor Japanese nor American nor Hindu. Your Consciousness is simply Consciousness. It belongs to no Country, no Race, no Color, no Religion, all those are Conditionings from your Church. You have been Hypnotized and told that you are an Indian, this is a Hypnosis. You have been Hypnotized and told that you are a Moham- medan or Christian, and the Hypnosis is prolonged your whole Life. It goes so deep that you may even be ready to die for it. People die for Religion, for Country, for Flags and for many Nonsenses, they are ready to die. It seems as if their life has no meaning at all, no respect for any other Life in general, as if they are ready to die for any excuse and any excuse will do.
   This is the miracle of Consciousness. Anything that becomes Conscious can be dropped very easily. This is the whole secret of Psychoanalysis and all the other Psychotherapies that have evolved out of Psychoanalysis is to bring things from the Unconscious to the Conscious level. That's the whole function of the Psychoanalyst. Once they are Conscious, you yourself are capable of dropping them, because who wants to carry all these ugly things when one knows they are there? But ugly things can be carried for lives together if you are not Aware and are ready to drop them.
    When you kill an Animal there is anger, there is anxiety, there is fear. Death is facing him and all the glands of the Animal release many kinds of poisons. Hence the modern idea is that before killing an Animal, make him Unconscious, give him anaesthesia. In modern butcheries, anaesthesia is being used. But that does not make much difference, only a very superficial difference, because at the deepest core where no anaesthesia can ever reach, death has to be encountered. It may not be Conscious, the Animal may not be Aware of what is happening, but it is happening as if in a dream. He is passing through this Great Nightmare. And because of this Great Unconscious act, to eat Meat or Animal Flesh is to eat Poisoned Food.
    The Conscious person Knows this Moment, Feels this Moment, Experiences God this very Moment. He does not Believe in God, he lives in God, he breathes in God, his Heart beats in God. It is not a question of Belief. Exactly like that, in Consciousness you have eyes to see God this Moment, you have Eyes to see the Truth of this Beautiful Existence, that God is Here and NOW!!. Then it is no longer a question of Belief,  it is your Experience, Existential Experience. A Conscious person Knows this Moment, an Unconscious person Believes it will come.
From Unconsciousness To Consciousness

  From Passion To Compassion

    Ordinarily man is very cruel, more cruel than any other animal, more animalistic than any other animal. Man in his unconsciousness is far below the animal kingdom, because no animal kills its own species except man, no animal kills just for play. Amongst animals there are no hunters. They kill when they are hungry, otherwise not. Man kills just as a game. That seems to be the ultimate in cruelty; destroying life just to keep yourself occupied. But as you become more conscious of your cruelty, of your violence, gross and subtle, you start becoming more and more Compassionate. Not that you cultivate Compassion. Just by becoming aware of your cruelty, violence, ugliness, the very awareness brings new changes in you. And the energy that was involved in cruelty, in violence, starts changing. The same energy becomes purified, the same energy becomes Compassion. No other animal is Compassionate either. Hence man can fall below the animals and can rise to the Gods. That is the beauty of man, his splendor, his glory; he has a vast spectrum, the whole universe is available to him. He can be the lowest and he can be the highest.
    Man can exist on two levels, either on the level of Passion or the level of Compassion. Passion means a state of unconsciousness. Man is like an animal, just at the mercy of unconscious instincts, a victim of natural forces, not his own master. And when one lives in Passion one has to live in jealousy, possessiveness, anger, hatred, greed, these are all part of Passion. Passion exploits others, it sucks others, it is like a parasite. On the second plane, as you start rising into Meditation, into Awareness, into Consciousness, the energy that is involved in Passion starts changing into Compassion. Just bring consciousness to all your Passions and a miracle starts happening within you, a great alchemical change. That which was dust starts becoming divine, that which was useless, just rubbish, starts becoming golden. Night itself turns into day.
    The whole secret is Consciousness. Become more conscious of your anger, of your lust, of your greed, of your jealousy, of your possessiveness, of your violence and cruelty. Become aware of all that you are. Don't avoid anything, don't hide anything from yourself. Be utterly naked before yourself, because in that very nakedness the first glimpse of transformation happens. If one goes on avoiding something inside then the transformation is not possible. It is just like heating water, at one hundred degrees it evaporates, not before that. So unless you are totally naked before yourself transformation is not possible. That total nakedness creates a one-hundred-degree temperature and a quantum leap and a jump from the lowest to the highest, a sudden transformation from Passion to Compassion.
    And Compassion gives, shares, it is a giver. It gives for the sheer joy of giving, for no other reason. With Compassion, anger, greed, jealousy, possessiveness, all disappear and different qualities start appearing, Grace, Love, Mercy, Prayer, Intelligence, Understanding!!
From Passion To Compassion

Loving This Existence

    First, you will have to Love those who are like you, because you know them, because at least you can feel a certain familiarity, a certain at-homeness with them. Then your Love can go on expanding. Then you can Love Animals, then you can Love Trees, then you can Love Rocks. And then you can Love this Existence as such, not before then.
    Because if your God is True, if you have really known what God means, if you have realised even for a bit, if you have even attained to just a glimpse of what God is, you will Love Human Beings, you will Love Animals, you will Love Trees, you will Love Rocks and you will just Love. Love will become your Natural State of Being. And if you cannot Love Human Beings or the Animals, please don't deceive yourself, then no Church or Temple is going to be of any help to you.

John The Baptist Forerunner Of Jesus

    And it soon came to pass that the time had arrived for Jesus' cousin, John, to make ready a Holy people for Jesus' name. For the Holy Word of God came unto John in the wilderness Brotherhood of the Elect, and John set out to complete the special calling, even preaching the Baptism of Repentance from the Remission of Sins. For it was written in the prophets concerning him: "Prepare ye the Holy way of the Chosen One, make straight the pathway of the Anointed. For every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth. For all flesh shall see the Salvation of God at work among the people and every eye shall behold the glory of his way."
    And the same John, known as the Baptist, appeared in simple dress and humility, and his food was the fruit of the locust tree and wild honey, even as the Angel Gabriel had spoken of.... And John spake unto the multitude, all those seeking baptism, and said: "O generation of disobedient ones, heed ye my words.... Begin this day to bring Fruits worthy of Repentance, Righteous works that save.... For I tell thee, every tree which bringeth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire, and so shall it be with thee if ye not keep the Holy Law and live it."...And some wealthier people spoke out and asked John,
  "What shall we do, then? How are we to be Saved?" And John answered and said unto them, "He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath abundant food, let him do as the first. And he that hath riches, let him give his gold to the brotherhood where all shareth in Love and Care of the poor, the orphans, the widows, those of long years, those with illness, yea, give unto the general fund wherein all those of the Lord resideth in true Peace and Love."
    Also, there came unto him certain tax collectors to be Baptized, and asked of him, "Master, what shall we do?" And John said unto them, "Exact no more than that which is due you, and be ever Merciful as to thy authority."
    And then came Soldiers unto John, and asked, "And what shall we do, tell us, please." And John said unto them, "Do Violence to no Man, nor any Creature, neither accuse any falsely; be content with thy wages, which prove enough, accepting no bribe or favor."
    And John spake unto them all, saying: "Listen and hear well, all you who have ears. Keep yourselves from Bloodshed, and all manner of Blood, from anything Strangled, and from dead bodies of Birds and Beasts, and Fish eat ye not. And from all deeds of Cruelty, and from all that is gotten of wrong, yea, contrary to Natural Laws of Good and Humane Love. For, do ye think the Blood of Beasts and Birds will wash Sin? I tell ye, Nay, therefore ye must all speak the Truth, and be Just. Ye must be Merciful to one another and to all Creatures that live, thereby walking humbly with thy God, Who Loveth the Pure Oblation only."
    And the people were in strictest attendance of John's words, and many wondered in their Hearts, whether he be the Christ; and still others asked unto him if he were. But John answered, saying unto them all, "I indeed Baptize you with water; but the Holy One, mightier than I, yet cometh, the latchet of whose very shoes I am not worthy to unloose. For He shall also Baptize you with Water and with Fire, for a fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the true wheat into his storehouse; but the chaff he will burn with destructive fire. For his fan airs the judgment of the wicked, who will be as if they were never born at all; but they of Righteous Heart, will inherit the Fountain of Living Waters, wherein Eternal Springs of Truth impart Life Everlasting."
    And John, known as the Baptist, continued in many exhortations, and many people did listen and longed to hear more and know of the One greater than he, the Holy One to come in the Name of the Holy Law of God. Thus John prepared the way, even as Jesus' fore- runner of Holy Truths. And the Pharisees and the Sadducees got to hear of this message and were greatly angered with him, for they were not looking unto the Christ, as John was announcing in all of Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about the Jordan River, even as he was Baptizing all those confessing their Sins. Yea, John did Baptize many in the River Jordan.
John The Baptist Forerunner Of Jesus

Salvation And Perfection Of The Soul

    10. God giveth you all Truth, as a ladder with many steps, for the Salvation And Perfection Of The Soul, and the Truth which seemeth to day, ye will abandon for the higher truth of the morrow. Press ye unto Perfection.
    11. Whoso keepeth the Holy Law which I have given, the same shall Save their Souls, however differently they may see the Truths which I have given.
    12. Many shall say unto me, Lord, Lord, we have been zealous for thy Truth. But I shall say unto them, Nay, but, that others may see as ye see, and none other Truth beside. Faith without Charity is dead. Love is the Fulfilling of the Law.
    13. How shall Faith in what they receive profit them that hold it in Unrighteousness? They who have Love have all things, and without Love there is nothing worth. Let each hold what they see to be the Truth in Love, knowing that where Love is not,Truth is a Dead Letter and Profiteth Nothing.
    14. There abide Goodness, and Truth, and Beauty, but the greatest of these is Goodness. If any have hatred to their Fellows, and harden their Hearts to the Creatures of God’s hands, how can they see Truth unto Salvation, seeing their eyes are blinded and their hearts are hardened to God’s Creation?
    15. As I have reveived the Truth, so have I given it to you. Let each receive it according to their light and ability to understand, and persecute not those who receive it after a different interpretation.
    16. For Truth is the Might of God, and it shall prevail in the end over all errors. But the Holy Law which I have given is plain for all, and Just and Good. Let all observe it for the Salvation Of Their Souls.
Lection XC Of The Holy 12

The Teaching On Circumcision And Internal Cleanliness

    5. AND one asked him saying, Master, wilt thou that infants be received into the congregation in like manner as Moses commanded by Circumcision? And Jesus answered, For those who are in Christ there is no cutting of the Flesh, nor shedding of Blood.
    6. Let the infant of eight clays be Presented unto the Father-Mother, who is in Heaven, with Prayer and Thanksgiving, and let a name be given to it by its parents, and let the Presbyter sprinkle pure water upon it, according to that which is written in the Prophets, and let its parents see to it that it is brought up in the ways of Righteousness, neither Eating Flesh, nor drinking Strong Drink, nor hurting the Creatures which God hath given into the hands of Man to Protect .
    7. AGAIN one said unto him, Master, how wilt thou when they grow up? And Jesus said, After seven years, or when they begin to know the Evil from the Good, and learn to choose the Good, let them come unto me and receive the blessing at the hands of the Presbyter or the Angel of the Church with Prayer and Thanksgiving, and let them be admonished to keep from Flesh Eating and Strong Drink, and from Hunting the Innocent Creatures of God, for shall they be lower than the horse or the sheep to whom these things are against Nature?
    8. And again he said, If there come to us any that eat Flesh and drink Strong Drink, shall we receive them? And Jesus said unto him, Let such abide in the outer court till they cleanse themselves from these grosser Evils; for till they Perceive, and Repent of these, they are not fit to receive the Higher Mysteries.
Lection XCI Of The Holy 12

The Teaching of Cruelty In Animals

    6. AND as Jesus was going with some of his Disciples he met with a certain man who trained dogs to Hunt other Creatures. And he said to the man, Why doest thou thus? and the man said, By this I live and what profit is there to any in these Creatures? these Creatures are weak, but the Dogs they are strong. And Jesus said, Thou lackest Wisdom and Love. Lo, every Creature which God hath made hath its end, and purpose, and who can say what good is there in it? or what profit to thyself, or mankind?
    7. And, for thy living, behold the fields yielding their increase, and the Fruit-bearing Trees and the Herbs; what needest thou more than these which honest work of thy hands will not give to thee? Woe to the strong who misuse their strength, Woe to the Hunters for they shall be Hunted.
    8. And the man marvelled, and left off training the dogs to hunt, and taught them to save life rather than destroy, And he learned of the Doctrines of Jesus and became his Disciple.
Lection XIV Of The Holy 12

Early Christian Vegetarians

    The apostle Matthew partook of Seeds and Nuts and Vegetables without Flesh. Clement of Alexandria (The Instructor, book 2, chapter 1).
    Peter said, "I live on Olives and Bread to which I rarely only add Vegetables."Pseudo-Clementine Homolies 12,6; also Recognitions 7,6.
    “Wherefore, as then ye were deceived by the forerunner Simon, and so became dead in your souls to God, and were smitten in your bodies; so now, if you repent, as I said, and submit to those things which are  well-pleasing to God, you may get new strength to your bodies, and  recover your soul’s health. And the things which are well-pleasing to God are these: to pray to Him, to ask from Him, recognizing that He is the giver of all things, and gives with discriminating law; to abstain from the table of devils, not to taste dead flesh, not to touch blood; to be washed from all pollution; and the rest in one word, — as the God-fearing Jews" Clementine Homily 7, chap 4.
    James The Just The Brother Of Our Lord
James, who is called the brother of the Lord, surnamed the Just, the son of Joseph by another wife, as some think, but, as appears to me, the son of Mary sister of the mother of our Lord of whom John makes mention in his book, after our Lord's passion at once ordained by the apostles bishop of Jerusalem, wrote a single epistle, which is reckoned among the seven Catholic Epistles and even this is claimed by some to have been published by some one else under his name, and gradually, as time went on, to have gained authority. Hegesippus who lived near the apostolic age, in the fifth book of his Commentaries, writing of James. says "After the apostles, James the brother of the Lord surnamed the Just was made head of the Church at Jerusalem. Many indeed are called James. This one was holy from his mother's womb. He drank neither wine nor strong drink, ate no flesh, never shaved or anointed himself with ointment or bathed.
Hegesippus, quoted in The Church History of Eusebius, book 2, chapter 23. From the Catholic Encyclopedia Search.

Christian Testimony

    The eating of Flesh Meat was unknown up to the big flood, but since the flood they have the strings and stinking juices of Animal Meat into our mouths, just as they threw in front of the grumbling sensual people in the desert (Essenes). Jesus Christ, who appeared when the time had been fulfilled, has again joined the end with the beginning, so that it is no longer allowed for us to eat the Flesh of Animal Meat. St Jerome
    The steam of Meat meals darkens the Spirit. One can hardly have virtue if one enjoys Meat meals and feasts. In the Earthly Paradise, no one Sacrificed Animals, and no one ate the Flesh of Animal Meat. St Basil
    All things of Creation are children of the Father and thus brothers of man ... God wants us to help Animals, if they need help. Every Creature in distress has the same right to be protected. St Francis of Assisi
Animal Sacrifices Are Rejected by God
    Your countless Sacrifices, what are they to me? says the Lord. I am sated with whole-offerings of rams and the fat of buffaloes; I have no desire for the blood of bulls, of sheep and of he-goats. Whenever you come into my presence - who asked you for this? No more shall you trample my courts. The offer of your gifts is useless, the reek of Sacrifice is Abhorrent to me. Isaiah 1:11-12
    There is blood on your hands; wash yourselves and be clean. Isaiah 1:16
    For I desire steadfast Love and not Sacrifice, the knowledge of God, rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6
    If you had known what that text means, "I require Mercy, not Sacrifice," you would not have condemned the Innocent. Matthew 12:7
    Sacrifices were invented by men to be a pretext for Eating the Flesh of Animals. Clement of Alexandria

Jesus Again Gives The Humane Holy Law

    And Jesus said unto them, "Behold, anew I give unto you, The Law, which is not new but from old. Even as Moses gave the law to Israel after the flesh, so also I give unto You the Law for the Kingdom of Israel after the Spirit.
    "For who are the Israel of God? Even they of every nation and tribe who work Righteousness, Love, Mercy and keep my Commandments, these are the True Israel of God."
    And standing upon his feet, Jesus Spake, saying:
    "Hear 0 Israel, the Eternal All, Thy God is One; Many are My overseers, and My prophets. In Me all live and move, and have subsistence.
    "Ye shall love thy God with all your understanding of the Holy Law.
    "Ye shall love thy neighbor as yourself, even as the law instructs.
    "Ye shall not take away the life of any creature for your pleasure, nor for your profit, nor yet torment it.
    "Ye shall not steal the goods of any, nor gather lands and riches to yourselves, beyond your need or use.
    "Ye shall not eat the Flesh, nor drink the Blood of any slaughtered Creature, nor yet anything which bringeth disorder to your Health or Senses.
    "Ye shall not make impure marriages, where love and health are not, nor yet corrupt yourselves, or any creature made pure by the Holy One.
    "Ye shall not bear false witness against any, nor wilfully deceive any by a lie to hurt them.
    "Ye shall not do unto others, as ye would not that others Should do unto you.
    "Ye shall worship One Eternal, the Father-Mother in Heaven, of Whom are all things, and reverence the Holy Name, keeping sacred Their daily holy communions.
    "Ye shall revere your fathers and your mothers on earth, whose care is for you, and all the Teachers of Righteousness,
    "Ye shall cherish and protect the weak, and those who are oppressed, and all Creatures that suffer wrong.
    "Ye shall work with your hands the things that are good and seemly, so shalt ye eat the fruits of the earth, and live long in the land.
    "Ye shall purify yourselves daily and rest every Seventh Day (Saturday) from labour, keeping Holy the Sabbaths and the Festivals of your God and Creator.
    "Ye shall do unto others, as ye would that others should unto you."
From The Holy 12

The Religion of Jesus Christ

    The Religion of Jesus Christ originated in the mercy of God; and it was the gracious design of it to promote Peace towards every Creature on Earth, and to create a Spirit of universal Benevolence or Goodwill in Men. And it has pleased God therein to display the riches of His own Goodness and Mercy towards us; and the Revealer of His Blessed Will, the author and finisher of our faith, hath Commanded us to be Merciful, as our Father is also Merciful, the obligation upon Christians becomes the stronger, and it is our bounded duty, in an especial manner, and above all other people, to extend the precept of Mercy to every object of it. For, indeed, a cruel Christian is a Monster of Ingratitude, a scandal to his profession and beareth the Name of Christ in Vain.
       Humphrey Primatt

Jesus Teaches Natural Health Reform
The Natural Cures Of Nature

    And Jesus continued to travel with many Disciples to various regions of Israel, where he did amass Believers of the Holy Law, for many listened unto him and were astonished and did believe truly in their Hearts that he was the Son of God, the promised deliverer of the enslaved earthly race of man ... And Jesus did Heal every Ailment and Disease among the sick, even teaching the people the Art of True Health Reform according to the Natural Laws of Nature. Yea, for he taught the people Healing Properties of Plants, even every Herb and Grass of the field, and the power hidden in stones, and the Cleansing Miracle of Pure Water. And many were amazed and did believe and were Healed. And because of His Great Wisdom and Understanding Jesus amazed entire households and helped many unto the Holy Humane way of Life. And Jesus did teach the Clean Diet of Man and Beast, and taught even the Holy Law on Health that all may know and learn True Salvation. And He named every Fruit that God had given unto man as Food and every Vegetable that God had given unto the Beasts and Birds of the Earth, yea even of the Fishes did Jesus spake of and told every household with ears Sacred Truths of the Holy Humane Way. And many were the listeners who obeyed his words from that time on.
    And on hearing these things, a certain Sadducee who believed not in the Holy Things of God, asked Jesus, "Tell me, please, why sayest thou, do not eat the Flesh of Animals. Were not the Beasts given unto Man as food, even as the Fruits and Herbs ye spake of?" And Jesus answered him and said, "Behold this Melon, the Fruit of the Earth." And Jesus broke open a Watermelon and said unto the Sadducee, "See thou with thine own eyes the Good Fruit of the Soil, the Meat of Man, and see thou the Seeds within, count ye them, for one Melon maketh a hundred fold and even more. If thou sow this seed, ye do eat from the True God, for no Blood was spilled, nay, no pain nor outcry did ye hear with thy ears or see with thine eyes. The True Food of Man is from the Mother of the Earth, for She brings forth Perfect Gifts unto the Humble of the land. But ye seek what Satan giveth, the Anguish, the Death, and the Blood of Living Souls taken by the Sword. Know ye not, those who live by the Sword, die by the same Death? Go ye thine way, and plant the Seeds of the Good Fruit of Life, and leave ye off from Hurting the Innocent Creatures of God. For I tell ye, man needeth male and female beasts for the food he so lusteth after, but every plant and tree, God so giveth, beareth its own free seed for food. Depend ye not on the things unnecessary to your Soul. Plant ye the good Seeds of the Melon, wherein ye saveth from season to season and waiteth for the soil like sleeping man awaiteth the sunrise; for the Seed was made for the morrow's meal, but the Animals for the Joy and Pleasure of God and Man.


    A True Religious person is always beyond the book. A True Religious Consciousness is never addicted to words and the verbal. The whole thing is childish. A True Religious man is in search of authentic experience, not borrowed words, not experiences of others. Unless he Knows, Jesus' may have existed, but they are useless. Unless he Knows, there is no Truth because Truth can only be his experience. Only then is it there. The whole world may say there is light and there is a rainbow in the sky and the sun is rising, but if my eyes are closed what does it mean to me? The rainbow, the colors, the sunrise, the whole thing is Non-existential to me. My eyes are closed, I am blind. And if I listen to them too much, and if I start BELIEVING in them too much, and if I borrow their words and I also start talking about the rainbow that I have not seen, about colors which I cannot see, about the sunrise which is not my experience, I may be lost in the forest of words forever.
    Knowledge is a sort of Ignorance. Truth can be ignored. That's what Ignorance is, otherwise, Truth is already Present. Ignorance is nothing but ignoring the Truth which is already there. And a man of Knowledge becomes more Ignorant, because the more he thinks he knows, the more he becomes capable of ignoring That Which Is. Lost in his Theories, Dogmas, Creeds, Scriptures and Bibles  he no longer has any eyes to look at the Reality. Lost in words, verbalizations, his vision is clouded. He cannot see That Which Is.
    Mind functions in the Non-existential, in the fictitious, in the imaginary. Mind is a faculty of dreaming, it is a dream faculty! Truth is not known by Mind, that's why I say it is not known at all. Truth is felt by the Heart, by your Totality, by you, not by your Head, by you as an organic unity. When you know Truth, you know by the head and by the toes, you know by your bones and by your guts, you know by your heart and by your blood,  you know it by your breathing and just by your very Being. Truth is known by Being. That is the meaning when I say truth is felt. It is an Experience.


    How can the modern day Preachers of Christianity Indulge and associate itself with the Number One killer in America called Heart Disease caused by Animal consumption and point their finger and condemn Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco? All True Christians should stand up against this Great Evil and teach our Children how to protect and preserve Life by Indulging in a Healthy Diet of Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds, Nuts and Fasting occasionally.


  Humanity has to be given the Vision of Awareness and Rebellion and only then can Man really become Human. Man is only Human for the Name's sake and he is not yet Human, because those Humane Qualities which make a Man Human are missing and are lacking  from his Life.
    They are not there, Compassion to Care for ALL LIFE, Animals and Humans, is not there, Love is not there, Meditation is not there, Prayer is not there, Gratitude is not there, Celebration is not there. In short, God is not there.
    Any Religion that does not posses or Teach the Divine Qualities of HUMANE LOVE AND COMPASSION TO ALL CREATURES, ANIMALS AND HUMANS, is a FALSE RELIGION and is ANTICHRIST!!!
    Only Compassion is Therapeutic, because all that is Ill in Man is because of Lack of Love and Compassion. All that is wrong with Man is somewhere associated with Love and Compassion. He has not been able to Love, or he  has not been able to receive Love. He has not been able to Share his Being. That's the Misery that creates all sorts of Complexes of Diseases inside.
    Those wounds inside can surface in many ways, they can become Physical Illness, they can become Mental Illness, but deep down man suffers from lack of Love and Compassion. Just as Food is needed for the Body, Love and Compassion is needed for the Soul. The Body cannot survive without Food and the Soul cannot survive without Love and Compassion. In fact without Love and Compassion the Soul is never born and there is no question of its Survival.


  And in the Even, after the Love Supper was ended, Jesus remained with the Twelve and continued to teach them Humility and Love. And Jesus said unto them: "This eve, an old Commandment I do give unto you, for though it be of old, it shall also be of new for all those who prove to be my True Disciples. It is that ye remember in thy Hearts, to Love one another and all the Creatures of God.
    "For I tell ye, Humane Love is the Fulfilling of the Holy Law on Earth, in that Love is of God, and God is all Love. Whoso therefore Loveth not each other or the Creatures of God, knoweth not the hidden Mysteries of God, for God reveals His Rest unto those who Loveth Him and His Creatures. Know now, ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you. But know ye also that by these words shall ALL Men know that ye are my Disciples - only if ye have Love one to another, and demonstrate Love and Mercy to all Creatures of God, yea, especially to those weak and oppressed and suffer wrong.
    "For I say unto ye, the Whole Earth is overfilled with dark places and deeds of Cruelty, with Great Pain and Sorrow, by the Selfishness and Ignorance of Man.
    "Love ye, then, those who are in need of thy Mercy and Care, and God, Who sees all, shall Love ye in the same manner. For the Father-Mother God draws near to those who Loveth His creatures and watcheth over them, but God withdraws Himself from those who Care or Love not, Men who worry only for their own needs and not for each other or the Innocent Creatures of God."
    And Jesus said unto them again: "Love thine Enemies, in that ye Hate the Evil they work only, but not the very Soul in Ignorance, for if ye bless them that Curse you, and give them Light for their Darkness, the Spirit of Love shall dwell Within your Hearts, and Abound unto All, and they will know ye are my True Disciples. And once more I say unto you, Love ye one another and all the Creatures of God. and Forgive ye one another wherein ye fall short of Perfect Love, always striving for the best in the Spirit of Love and Mercy."
The Essene Humane Gospel


    1. AND some of his Disciples came and told him of a certain Egyptian, a son of Belial, who taught that it was lawful to torment Animals, if their sufferings brought any profit to men.
    2. And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, they who partake of benefits which are gotten by wronging one of God's Creatures, cannot be Righteous: nor can they touch Holy things, or teach the Mysteries of the Kingdom, whose hands are stained with Blood, or whose Mouths are Defiled with Flesh.
    3.  God giveth the Grains and the Fruits of the Earth for Food: and for Righteous Man truly there is no other Lawful sustenance for the Body.
    4. The robber who breaketh into the House made by Man is Guilty, but they who break into the House made by God, even of the least of these are the Greater Sinners. Wherefore I say unto all who desire to be my Disciples, keep your hands from Bloodshed and let No Flesh Meat enter your Mouths,  for God is Just and Bountiful, who Ordaineth that Man shall live by the Fruits and Seeds of the Earth alone.
Lection XXXVIII (38) 2-3-4 The Holy 12


    1. JESUS was teaching his Disciples in the outer court of the Temple and one of them said unto him: Master, it is said by the Priests that without Shedding of Blood there is no remission. Can then the Blood Offering of the Law take away Sin?
   2. And Jesus answered: No Blood Offering, of Beast or Bird, or Man, can take away Sin, for how can the Conscience be purged from Sin by the Shedding of Innocent Blood? Nay, it will increase the condemnation.
   3. The Priests indeed receive such Offering as a reconciliation of the worshippers for the trespasses against the Law of Moses, but for Sins against the Law of God there can be no Remission, save by Repentance and Amendment.
Lection XXXIII (33) The Holy 12


    1. AND the Jews’ Passover was at hand, and Jesus went up again from Bethany into Jerusalem. And he found in the Temple those that sold Oxen and Sheep and Doves, and the changers of money sitting.
    2. And when he had made a scourge of seven cords, he drove them all out of the Temple and loosed the Sheep and the Oxen, and the Doves, and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;
    3. And said unto them, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s House an House of Merchandise. Is it not written, My House is a House of Prayer, for all Nations? But ye have made it a Den of Thieves, and filled it with all manner of Abominations.
    4. And he would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel of Blood through the Temple, or that any Animals should be Slain. And the Disciples remembered that it was written, Zeal for thine House hath eaten me up.
Lection LXXI  (71) The Holy 12

The Way Is In

"And When We Teach Our Children To Love And Protect
The Lesser Creatures Of God
How Much More Will They Love And Protect Their Brothers And Sisters
With Humane Love And Compassion For All Creatures"
"If you think that Animals are excluded from this Humane Love, you may not Murder, but deep down you are Murderous. You may not Murder anybody, but one thing is certain, you will Murder your own Qualities of Love and Compassion and Brotherhood."

Jim Brooks & Barbara Kern

  updated On May 9th 1998