GLORIA STERN'S People and Places</H4>

People and Places

The internet connects people from all over the world and I have made some very special friends via the net. I'd like to introduce you all to my family. They are just as proud of their pages as I am mine and enjoy having others see what they have done. They will be happy to tell you about themselves when you visit them at home on the web. I'd like you to meet the folks. After Steve went to Europe, he decided maybe he should have a place to show Grace in front of the cathedral with the gargoyles. Grace is also pictured with the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. I'll ask him for some of those pictures.

Rich has a new job that he is very excited about. He and Lily are now the parents of a wonderful little girl named Micaela. They all went to Taiwan this summer on a great adventure to meet Lily's folks who have been patiently waiting for this visit. We are all learning a lot from Micaela. While she may not have known the words, she could baby sign - concepts like "more" and call for "Cherio's". And she dances, too, sort of a sideways sway in rhythm to anything that passes for music. Ya gotta make do. Not having a backup orchestra is just so much palaver. Now that she is growing a humongous vocabulary, she gives instructions on when to shop, infant fashion, meal planning, TV viewing and domestic scheduling -- interspersed with names and phrases in Mandarin!

Patty is ensconced in Thousand Oaks California where she and Paul are coping with a house full of teen aged girls. For diversion, Patty keeps busy doing yoga and playing world class Mahjongg. In addition, she and Paul belong to a volleyball league.

Currently, I am teaching writing at Los Angeles Valley College. It is a lot closer than the Adult Center in Conejo where I taught before. In fact,it is literally around the corner. This is my second semester there. I really enjoy the students and I hope they enjoy me as much. We have a super time.

We added two more degrees to the family roster. With all that upperclass paper work, we could start an academy. Jason and Andrea got their MBA's in Vermont in June. By late summer they will be clebrating Joshua's second birthday. Yep! A great grandchild. I don't feel any different. Than what? She said. Nice to have access to all that brain power though.

Stephen, my first born, you know,... my son the doctor? Not the kind you can get prescription drugs or diet pills from, but his PhD helps with computer problems. Richard, he's got one, too. Doesn't help much with infant meals, but the research aspect of his training comes in handy when dealing with a toddler with no family support group to give him the old wive's tales, just an old wife.

Me? I'm having a living ball teaching adults and working on my writing and distance learning classes with a brand new computer for company. Way to go.

Well, that's the family portrait. I've been seriously looking into a biography - when I get time, ya know. I manage to stay quite busy. I love the cultural mix in Los Angeles and the panoply of entertainment, but urban living is getting a little isolating even though the building has gotten a coat of paint and the city has prettied up the place with trees along the boulevard and now we even have public transportation. The times they are a changin'

I'm glad you took the opportunity to visit. Enjoyed having you. Look around at your leisure. Introduce yourself. All particpants are certified cool webheads.

Actually, geography is a non-subject on the net. Let's just say: If you're thinking big, think of our crew as neighbors. E-mail me if you're so inclined.

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