Of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland

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Postal Address:    P.O. Box 74208, TURFONTEIN, 2140  RSA

The  District  Grand  Lodge  of  the  Transvaal  Orange Free State and Northern Cape was consecrated and erected on the 27th of March 1896.   There were at that time nine lodges operating in the Transvaal  under the Scottish constitution.

The geographic distribution of these lodges is not without interest, as it follows the path of immigrants in their search  for  gold and  subsequent  development of commerce and industry in the region.

The first  Right  Worshipful  Master of the Provincial District Grand Lodge of the Transvaal (as it was then known), was Bro. Douglas MacMillan. A Brother Harrison was the first District Grand Master Depute as the office was then described.

It is interesting to note that all nine of the original lodges are still operating. By the turn of the century a further six had been added including Victoria No 837, at Kroonstad, in the O.F.S. By the outbreak of World War I, a further 27 lodges had joined the District but it was not until 1920 that two more lodges were added.

In 1944 the Orange Free State was formally added to the District and by 1961, another 35 Lodges had been chartered. In 1957 Lodge Athole No 591 joined our    District followed by Lodge Union No 719 also in Kimberley. In 1979 the Northern Cape was added to the District Grand Lodge of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The District now comprises 96 Lodges.

R.W. District Grand Master :   Bro. Basil J.W.Wooward
I.P.D.G.M                                   Bro. B.J.Bortz
P.D.G.M.                                    Bro. M.Linton
D.D.G.M                                     Bro. H. Gulbransen
D.G.Secretary                           Bro. D.Rennie
D.G.Treasurer                           Bro. E.G.Grossett

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Disclaimer;* Advertising or content on this site is not associated in any way with the District Grand Lodge or it's daughter Lodges.