webforms.GIF (2737 bytes) Introduction to WEB FORMS

One of the prime uses of interactivity on a web site is the gathering of information through the use of forms. This procedure allows companies to establish profiles of consumers for marketing information and to build customer databases for both traditional mail and e-mail. Though the graphical or code set up for forms is not complex, there have to be certain items in place in order for them to work properly. This reference material will give a short explanation of setting up forms, and how forms work.

Web Form Fields

Web forms allow the user to input information onto an existing, published web page. They are unique in that normally the user is getting information from the site. In this way, the site is getting information from the user. There are a few particular types of elements in a form called "form fields". Examples are given below. Most of the examples do work if you wish to try them out. They are as follows:

Search Form

Search for:

Search forms are used to find information on a site or on multiple sites. They are one of the most widely used forms on the Internet.


One Line Text Box


A one line text box makes up the bulk of most informational forms. It is for input to be downloaded to a file or database for storage and use.


Scrolling Text Box

Special Shipping Instructions

A scrolling text box is used for inputting larger amounts of text. It is useful for technical support questions or special instructions for an order.


Check Box

Yes    No

A check box is used to simply indicate a preference or to select from a multiple choice of responses.


Radio Button

Red      Blue     Yellow

A radio button is used like a checkbox to simply indicate a preference or to select from a multiple choice of responses.


Drop Down Menu

A drop down menu is used to save space on the page when there are lists of items to select from.


Push Button

A push button is normally used at the bottom of a form as a "submit" button or a reply button.

Operation of Forms

Most web forms will not function unless they have been published to a server. The results of a form usually go in one of two ways. The results can be e-mailed to a specific address, or the results are saved in a text file on the server to be accessed by the webmaster. This activity is controlled by instructions programmed into the form. These instructions rely on one of the following items being installed on the server hosting the site.

CGI Script

A CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script is a program that sends the data to an application that you created. It runs on the server that hosts your web site. CGI scripts will be different on Windows NT, Unix, and Macintosh servers. Many CGI scripts are written in C language and PERL (a cross-platform scripting language). To run a CGI script, you need the permission of the system operator responsible for the server that hosts your web site. Many hosts have prepackaged Forms/CGI packages that handle common tasks. Finding and using one of these prewritten packages may make the utilization of forms on your site a little easier.

Microsoft Front Page Extensions

Web sites generated in Microsoft Front Page require a special package to be installed on the server hosting your web site. This can be an important consideration in the selection of a web host, as your site's forms and other advanced features and elements will not function properly without them.


If you are just beginning to create a web site, you may want to wait before getting into generating forms, passwords, etc. As you gain experience with other aspects of web design and HTML programming, you can move to form interactivity later on.

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