Africa Christian Training Institute SURVEY

Thank you for being willing to go to the ends of the earth, at least from North America, for the sake of Christ. We want to learn from your experiences. Would yo please help us to improve our ministry and better equip those who follow you by answering the following questions? Please return this sheet to: Jim Sutherland, 5608 Bradford Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37409-2021, or you may wish to email your answers to Thanks for your help!


On a scale from 1-10 (10—highest), how well did this trip meet your expectations?_____
On a scale from 1-10, what would you rate how well you were prepared for your trip?_____
How many training sessions/team meetings did you have before departure?_______
Did the training better equip you for ministry in Uganda? (1-10) _____
What do you wish that you would have known, if anything?____________________________________________
How pleased were you with the acknowledgement/receipting of funds by the Las Cruces office? (1-10)?_____
Did you receive accurate and adequate help to prepare for medical needs for this trip? (1-10)?_____
What might we have overlooked?___________________________________________________________________________
Did you sense team unity before you left for Uganda? (1-10)_____On the ground in Uganda? (1-10)_____
Do you have any other comments about your trip preparation?___________________________________________________________

Ministry in Uganda

How well did the Ugandan ACTI staff enable you to serve in Uganda (1-10)?_____
Is there something they could have done to make your time in Uganda more effective?_________________________________________________________________________________
Did you have adequate time for personal/spiritual refreshment during your stay in Uganda? Yes__ No__
Do you feel as though you had opportunity to accomplish what you felt God wanted you to accomplish in Uganda?(1-10)_____
What was the “highpoint” of your time in Uganda?_______________________________________________________
What was the “lowpoint” of your trip, if any?_________________________________________________________________________________________
What was the most important thing that you learned on this trip?__________________________________________________________________________________________

How difficult was cultural entry into Uganda (1-10)?_____
How difficult was re-entry into the U.S. (1-10)?_____
Would you like to return to Uganda next year? Yes__ No__ In the near future? Yes__ No__
Would you recommend others to go to Uganda with ACTI? Yes__ No__ Why?___________________
What can we do to make the Uganda experience more valuable?

Have you thanked your donors? Yes__ No__ Have you given them a report of your trip? Yes__ No__
Do you have any other comments?

Street Address_____________________________________
City__________________________________State______Zip code_____________Tel:(______)____________________
Email address_________________________________ Date_______________May I quote you by name? Yes__No__
Fax:(_____)_____________________Dates of your trip_______________Team leader________________________

Thank you for your help! If you have any names/addresses of others who might like to know about this opportunity, please list them and we’ll contact them.
