Rashid suggests the following items needed by Ugandans in ministry: PA systems (Peavy “Solo” systems included), generators (new, NOT used, due to shipping regulations), study Bibles (e.g. NIV study Bible), theological texts, concordances and tracts. “The following saying elaborates well about the lack of reading stuff here, i.e., ‘When an old man dies in Africa, a whole library is burnt.’” ACTI encourages bringing good Christian books for libraries. Rashid also encouraged those who can to bring extra money for benevolences, as they may present themselves in Uganda. In addition, he encourages bringing clothes, old or new, and small electronic items, such as small radios, flashlights, etc. Surplus Sunday school materials can be used by Christian schools.
Bibles are better purchased in Uganda, since they are cheaper, in local dialects, and your bags can be packed with other items. However, study Bibles are excellent items to bring.
You may come to know an artisan or small businessman who needs tools, such as a hand saw, or a multitester--items which have been given by other Team members.
Suggested gifts for women: hand lotion, kitchen items, hand bags, cloth diapers, plaques, home state souvenirs, hot chocolate packets, scented soap, cologne/perfume, jewelry, small cans of meat, cassette tapes, book markers, books/Bibles, barrettes and hair accessories, calendars, sewing kits, bandannas, scarfs, pencils, writing pads, towels, seeds (vegetable, flower), etc.
Gifts for children: balloons, crayons, coloring books, red pencils, snacks, hard candies, granola bars, gum, reading materials, retractable pens, stickers, dictionaries, etc.
Gifts for men: bring a Walkman, with some good Gospel tapes. Shirts and pants are valued, as is cologne, hankerchiefs, alkaline batteries and key rings. In fact, it would be hard to identify a gift which someone would not appreciate. Forbear giving clothing which is too ragged, however.
Feel free to tell people when you have no more room for donated items.
Portable computers are highly valued, even if obsolete by our standards.
Giving gifts as you leave is sensitive, so that people do not feel obligated to you.
It is wise to check with the pastor of those to whom you may wish to give larger gifts, to get background. Let the giver beware! Be aware that many who want your name and address will write to you asking for assistance, and they may give your name to others. Some will just want to be friends. One suggestion is that you say that you will read their letter, but that you might not have the time or be able to respond. Again, promise nothing unless you will certainly do it, and do not even appear to promise unless you do. You will need God’s wisdom. If you are led to send money, cashing a check there can cost $25.00 or more, so you may ask our Las Cruces office to see if they will forward funds clearly designated to a clearly identified person.
Your ministry: a NIV compact concordance is very useful for your teaching and counseling. Bring along any needed handout copies for courses and seminars, although copies can be obtained reasonably in Kampala. If you use a text, you may be asked to bring a free copy for each student. Instead of bringing your best (or marked) Bible, you might bring one you’re willing to give. Sheet protectors in a 3-ring notebook are excellent for preserving notes and messages, etc., and copies can be made without taking out the paper sheet. It is wise to bring extra pens, pencils, and a clip board. Some wish to journal. You may want to buy an inexpensive 3-ring notebook and take your regular daily planner sheets along, with addresses. Since our coordinator is busy, at present we can accept email, but do not promise to send outgoing email. The address is actuga@imul.com
Since you will be busy, bring along sermons, lessons and teachings for various audiences, if available. Try to study Uganda before leaving, to gain a hearing and draw pertinent applications. Here are some useful websites:
Some good books:
You may wish to bring recreational reading as well for the long trip.