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You can If you Think you can
by Norman Vincent Peale

The persistence Principle:

It's Always too soon to quit
Never talk Defeat
Change your thinking to meet problems in a positive, constructive way.
Call on your Grit

"The Quitter",
by Robert W. Service
It's the plugging away that will win you the day,
So don't be a piker, old pard!
Just draw on your grit; it's so easy to quit:
It's keeping-your-chin-up that's hard.
It's easy to cry that you're beaten-and die;
It's easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight when hope's out of sight-
Why, that's the best game of them all!
And though you come out of each grueling bout,
All broken and beaten and scarred,
Just have one more try-it's dead easy to die,
It's the keeping-on-living that's hard.

Keeping at it gets results
The Perception Principle
To be effective, the persistance principle must be supported by another vital principle-the perception principle and the power that derives from it.
You must see yourself as you really are and deal with yourself on that honest basis.
Call on your inner potential
In day-to-day activities we are often confronted by situations where our ability to think positively and never give up is called upon.
Keep on keeping on
1. When tackling a problem the number-one thing is, never quit attacking. Always use the persistance priciple.
2. Remember-you can get over those big mountains of difficulties by thinking over them.
3. Adopt the motto, "It's always too soon to quit." Keep it going.
4. Use upbeat words. Never talk down. Speak the Good Word.
5. Plugging away will win the day.
6. Master the perception principle. Learn to know yourself. Know the real person deep within you.
7. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
8. Do not let circumstances defeat you. With your mind, control circumstances. You can if you think you can.
9. Just keep on keeping on-just keep trying-for that will do it. Keep going. It can turn out O.K.
10. And God bless you all the way.


So What's your problem? You can handle it
"Every problem contains the seeds of its own solution."
Wanted: No more problems
Problems, a Sign of Life
Problems constitute a sign of life. The more problems you have, the more alive you are.
The chief problem is how to cope
Three procedures were vital to the successful handling of problems: (1) knowledge, (2) thought, and (3) belief; or to put it another way, know, think, believe.
Have a Problem? Congratulations!
You Can think your way through anything
Cool it when a problem comes
All the ideas you need to handle any problem are all about you, both within and without you mind.
Freddie the Thinker
Free Ice Water
A Success Formula that works
1. A problem is inherently good, not inherently bad as is commonly supposed.
2. Only alive people have problems. And the more you have, the more alive you are. So be glad you have problems.
3. Get all the possible know-how about your problem. Knowledge of the problem is a key to successful solution.
4. When a problem comes, do not react emotionally-cool it.
5. The mind will not function when it is hot, only when it is cool and factual.
6. Think-the successful idea is always in your mind. Think it out.
7. Believe you can. Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer. So believe the answer will come. It will.

Time of the Mad Atom
by Virginia Brasier
Uptight? Tense? How to cool it and relax
The age of the half-read page
And the quick hash and the mad dash
The bright night with the nerves tight
The plane hop-the bright stop
The brain strain and the heartpain
The catnaps till the spring snaps
And the fun's done.

The Spell of the Yukon
Robert Service
1. You do not have to be uptight. You can control tension if you think you can.
2. Remember that the relaxed though power-driven life is not easily attained. It must be cultivated. So start to work at it now. Practice and continue practicing.
3. Practice the getting of transquillity by passing peaceful words and thoughts through your mind daily and nightly. They have a strange healing quality.
4. Reduce as many of the noise decibels from your environment as possible.
5. Seek within your religion for peace of mind. It is there for you.
6. Look inside and get at the deeper cause of your nervous tension.
7. Eradicate any unhealthy attitude pattern which is keeping you stirred up in your deep unconscious.
8. Unhurry yourself.
9. Put your trust in God and just go calmly on your way.

Motivation that really motivates
1. It puts the fire within you-the fire that gets the inner power going.
2. It reveals your own talents. Do you really know your own potentially? Search for it, for it's there. Then release it.
3. Don't be a hold-out-be an all-out.
4. And whatever you do, never be a half-a-minder.
5. Remember that the most powerful motivation is spiritual motivation. So expose yourself to the spiritual.
6. Keep alert to the magic motivational word that can reactivate and change you from indifferent to dynamic living.
7. Associate with motivational people.
8. Cultivate motivational ideas; ideas that pulsate with go power.
9. In adversity keep motivated, for often the best comes from difficulty.
10. Image your goal. Hold that image in consciousness. Keep that image always before you and your goal will materialize.

Keep on believing in yourself-Have confidence

1. Remember that self-trust is the first secret of success. So trust yourself.
2. Having learned to believe in yourself, be like Lombardi's football stars: Go at life with abandon; give it all you've got. And life will give all it has to you.
3. Have confidence that you can draw the best, not the worst, to yourself.
4. Be sure to image right, for we tend to become as we see ourselves. So see yourself confidently.
5. Never let any mistake cause you to stop believing in yourself. Learn from it and go on.
6. If you've never really found yourself, do so. Then you'll start liking yourself, and with good reason.
7. You can if you think you can. Engrave those seven words deeply in consciousness. They are packed with power and with truth.

You can if you think you can
1. You can if you think you can. As you think, so shall it be. Then think that you can and you can, indeed.
2. Remember Thomas A. Edison's dynamic statement: "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."
3. As Rudyard Kipling says, "We have forty million reasons for failure but not a single excuse."
4. There may not be a tiger in your tank, but there for sure is an eagle in your mind.
5. Be glad you were never told what you couldn't do. And if you have been, repudiate the statement.
6. Drop the word "impossible" from your mental processes.
7. "This world is moving so fast that the man who says it can't be done is interrupted by someone doing it."
8. You can make the impossible possible.
9. Never-never-settle for defeat.
10. You can be greater than anything that can happen to you.

What are you afraid of? Forget it!
1. Two great forces operate in the mind: fear and faith. Fear is very powerful, but faith is more powerful.
2. Faith power in the mind, like adrenalin in the body, can release amazing powers within you in crisis.
3. And remember, the same power is there within you apart from crisis and may be drawn upon always to keep fear down.
4. Take a long, straight look at your fear. Know it for the ghostly thing it is and stand firmly up to it. Practice the strong action technique.
5. When you are afaird, do the thing you are afraid of and soon you will lose your fear of it.
6. Self-knowledge and insight will overcome fear. This may require professional counseling. When you know the origin of your fears you are then in a position to deal with them.
7. Develop a strong, healthy-minded faith. Fear will wither as your faith grows.
8. Commit the following statement to memory and say it now and then: "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. -Psalm 34:4"

Expect a Miracle-Make miracles happen

1. First, expect a miracle and keep your sense of wonder going.
2. Have motivation, a deep inner self-belief, and never let anyone or anything take it from you. Remember Walt-Disney.
3. Be proud you live in a country where miracles can happen-where you can make dreams come true.
4. Always think upbeat-think hopefully. Never let thought paralysis get into your mind.
5. Miracles are made not only from dreams, but from everyday nonglamorous facts like thinking and working and keeping on keeping on. 6. Keep probing for the tremendous quality built into you which has not yet emerged.
7. Always be on the lookout for the big idea that can change your life.
8. Know that you are yourself a miracle. And believe you can make miracles happen-by thinking, praying, believing, working, and by helping people.
9. Remember that miracles are made by people who can because they think they can.

Bored? Frustrated? Fed Up? What to do about it

"Life has lost its meaning for me."
"I'm fed up."
"That gripes me."
"Everything's a mess."
"I'm pooped."
"I'm bored stiff."
"Everything bugs me."
"I'm sick and tired of it all."
"Life is the same old stuff."
"Out of this world" people
"Life is terrific, and I mean terrific."
"Everything's great, really great."
"Boy, am I getting a charge out of living."
"This is it and I don't mean maybe."
"I feel good, really good."
"Bored? Are you kidding?"
1. Get this basic fact firmly in mind-you do not need to be bored, frustrated, or fed up.
2. Concentrate on exciting motivation. Boredom can't live with it.
3. Get with the philosophy which teaches us to "Rejoice with unutter-able and exalted joy."
4. Don't shy off real spiritual faith. It's packed with excitement that burns out boredom.
5. Remember: If you love life, life will love you back.
6. Get away from dirty and noisy cities. Get with streams, meadows, mountains, if at all possible. Nature siphons off boredom.
7. Like one-listless Larry, practice excitement. Practice excited thinking until you become excited. And always know for a fact that you can if you think you can.
8. Level with yourself. Things are better than they seem.
9. Associate with excited people. Let their excitement rub off on you.
10. Keep thinking, keep moving, keep participating.

Never think of failing-you don't need to
1. Formulate a goal; not a fuzzy, vague goal, but one that is sharp, clearly defined and specific-very specific.
2. Pray about that goal to be sure it is right, for if it isn't right, it's wrong, and nothing wrong ever turns out right.
3. Put that goal into your conscious mind, holding the image there tenaciously until it sinks into the unconsciousness. And when it does you will have it, because it has you-all there is of you. 4. Then give it all you've got of thought, effort, imagination, and innovation.
5. Work, and then work, and then work.
6. Never, never, never give up-keep it going, going, going-know that you can if you think you can.
7. Tell yourself every day of your life until you believe it away down deep that you shall never think of falling. You don't need to.

All the resources you need are in your mind
1. Believe that you have inherent in your mind all the resources you will ever need.
2. Build up your resources inventory by faith and know-how.
3. Remember that spiritual power activates your forces of mind and spirit.
4. Never minimize your ability to think your way through any situation.
5. If power isn't coming through, find the block and remove it.
6. Keep alert for those flashes of insight which come when you're really thinking.
7. Skip "if only"; concentrate on "next time." 8. Never bog down in a defeat psychology. Always, in the midst of defeat, keep looking for victory.
9. Be bold, and mighty powers will come to your aid.
10. The tests of life are not to break you but to make you.

Ways to Foster Health, Vitality, Aliveness
1. Realize that you can of yourself do much to make yourself a healthy.
2. Affirm and keep on affirming that the powerful life force is flowing through your mind, your spirit, your body.
3. Rid yourself of all sick thoughts-hate, resentment, inferiority, and the like.
4. Every day practice emptying your mind of all unhealthy attitudes.
5. Keep your mind tuned up to keep your body in tone.
6. Hold the thought of all elements of the body working together in perfect rhythm.
7. Help the doctor by thinking healthy thoughts. Remember that while the doctor treats you, God heals you.
8. Think health, practice health, pray health.
9. See yourself as a whole person.
10. Visualize God, who created you, as constantly re-creating you in every element of being.

Ease Up! Have a sense of humor
1. Don't get stirred up and in a dither. Take it easy-like.
2. Take all the fuming and fretting of the media with a grain of salt. Much of today's news isn't really new. Most of it has happened before and before that.
3. Practice word therapy-serenity, urbanity, imperturbability, equanimity. Say those powerful, mind-healing words over to yourself every day. Let them sink into consciousness, reconditioning your stressful attitudes.
4. Like General Eisenhower, take the hands which life deals you and play them out without griping. You will come out O.K.
5. Get in harmony; easy does it; don't over-press.
6. Don't take yourself too seriously.
7. Never let the excitable immediacy of our time throw you. Keep your sense of humor. It's not all that bad.
8. You can live with all the confusion of today's world if you think you can. So practice thinking that you can.

Get on top of things and stay there
1. Always keep hope going for you.
2. Believe, and never stop believing, that the tide always comes back.
3. Realize there is more potential strength built into you than you have ever demonstrated.
4. To use an old-fashioned but powerful phrase-dare to be what you want to be and can be.
5. Never take no for an answer.
6. Do your best and leave the results to God.
7. Drop the three L's-lack, loss, limitation-from your vocabulary.
8. Hold the image of the life you want and make the image become fact.
9. Keep on hitting; keep on trying.
10. And don't forget prayer. It releases power.

-And remember...always remember-
You can if you think you can.

God Loves You; So Do I

All Things Are Possible to him that believes.
Mark 9:23

Maintained by:Vasu Rajan

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