I believe...

In the interest of saving space and loading time, I've decided to keep this page, and my religion page, free of graphics (at least that is currently my intent)

Please do also note that everything I write in this page is based completely on my own opinion and world-view. I may state something as fact which is completely opionion or biased-based. This, I feel is my right. as I am the one writing this. Ok, so I sound a bit haughty...well, I try. *grin* Please also note that I am not a fan of the "pat-answer." I don't like it when someone gives me an answer that they heard someone else give, and I also don't like it when someone bases all of their beliefs on someone else's translation/interpretation of scripture and the world. So, everything you get here will be Josh-based, pure and simple.

  • Well, let's get down to business...what affiliation does this guy claim?
  • Well, by all rights and purposes, I am a member of the infamous "religious right." I am a republican, a conservative, a Christian, and even worse -- a Rush Limbaugh fan. My views, however, do sometimes lean toward a more liberal point of view, but this is a rare case if it ever happens.

  • Where does your religion fit into all this?
  • I feel that my religious views are quite an influence on my political views, and vice-versa. For the two to live and exist separately would be a complete impossibility.

  • What about homosexuality?
  • Well, although I believe that everyone deserves the same considerations when it comes to pubic treatment, I do not believe that anyone should be given preference or special rights due to ³sexual orientation.² Such would increase not only tensions between different factions, but would also create more segregation, the exact opposite of its intent...

  • What about racial/social equality?
  • This one is a toughie...but honestly, I do not feel that the current attempts at creating social equality, through affirmative action, work anymore. Although in the beginning they got the job done, now all they do is create a larger sense of separation and difference. Where is the equality in being different? granted, I respect the necessity of realizing our own personal social and ethnic identities, however, creating barriers and walls around each race will only separate us more. I guess my opinion sparks from having seen the effects of ³affirmative action² in its present form cause a young white boy to lose his job where I worked in order to allow a Mexican man to fill his place, just to make a quota, despite the latter¹s inexperience...this just seems wrong to me...I would have no problem working with an inexperienced person regardless of ethnicity, but why should the ³majority² lose their position in a ladder? This just creates another ³minority...²

  • What about Abortion?
  • This is one I have thought about long and hard, and to tell you the truth, I am torn. There is a part of me that just screams that abortion is murder, and I am convinced of this fact...however...the "what if"s hound me night and day..."What if" the life of the mother is at stake? The anti-abortion side of me wants to say ³NEVER!!!², yet, then I think: where would i be if it were my wife in question? Could I choose one life, the life of my child, over another, the life of my wife? Or vice versa? In other cases, be it rape or incest, I really don¹t know. I guess, if put to the wall, I would say ³Put it up for adoption...², but many claim that there's not enough people to adopt...Once again...what if it were my daughter or wife in question? I honestly do not know. However, there is one area in this that I am sure of: convenience abortion, no matter what the reason, is wrong. Period. I have heard of high-schoolers who got abortions "because they wanted to be able to fit in their prom dresses," or "who aren't ready to bring up a child yet." I'm sorry to sound callous, but if you make the decision to have sex, you risk pregnancy, period. This "easy way out," is a cop-out, and should not be available...

    This will grow as I see fit...time permitting...just give it time...
    Some stuff I'm planning on putting in:

    All of the above opinons are purely my own and are not necessarily the opinons of George Fox University, the Free Methodist Denomination, the Republican National Committee,or any other group I am affiliated with. They are purely my own based on personal belief, study, and formulation. Feel free to use any of the above text as you wish, I only ask that it remain in its present form, and that you inform me of its use.
    Are there any specific subjects you would like me to cover?
    Write me at jdsmith@georgefox.edu.

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    (c) Copyright 1997 Joshua Smith. All Rights Reserved.
    The contents of this page are original works of Joshua Smith, and cannot be reproduced without permission.