By-Laws and Standing Rules

of the Academic Chapter of Omicron Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha Approved and in Effect January 1, 1996

See also Constitution and Statutory Code, the Resolutions of the General Assembly, and Appendix I (Room Pick Guidelines) and Appendix II (Water-Drop Guidelines).

Article I: Name

Section 1. (Name and designation)
This Body shall be known and designated as the Academic Chapter of Omicron Zeta of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity.

Article II: Object

Section 1. (Objects of this Chapter)
First: To maintain at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, an undergraduate, non-profit unit of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity in accordance with its ideals, standards, traditions, and laws as set forth in its Ritual, Constitution, Statutory Code and the authorized rulings and orders of its general officers.
Second: To enhance the membership ideals, spirit, organization and physical equipment of Omicron Zeta so that affiliation with it shall ever be regarded as an honor and privilege.
Third: To foster a spirit of genuine brotherhood among its members, to make welcome within its home all initiates in good standing with other Zetas who may visit it, to increase the friendly bond between chapters, to develop a universal consciousness of fraternalism in Lambda Chi Alpha, and to emphasize that its badge and Ritual are sacred, that membership is for life and that its brotherhood is universal within its membership.
Fourth: To encourage superior scholarship among its members; to encourage active participation in worthwhile extracurricular activities; to actively support all worthwhile campus activities in the best interests of the Fraternity and the University.

Article III: Laws

Section 1. (Laws for governance of this Chapter) First: Ritual of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Second: Constitution of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Third: Statutory Code of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Fourth: Orders of the Grand High Zeta
Fifth: Chapter By-Laws
Sixth: Chapter Minutes

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1. (Regular meetings)
Regular meetings will be held weekly during the college year, at such time and place as the High Alpha shall designate. Upon suggestion of the High Alpha, with the concurrence of the High Zeta, a regular meeting may be canceled, but in a given month there must be at least two regular meetings separated by not more than two weeks.
Section 2. (Special meetings)
Special meetings shall be called by the ranking officer in case of necessity. A special meeting shall be called upon the signed petition of ten or more members. Action taken by a special meeting shall be binding on the chapter only provided notice thereof is posted on the bulletin board at least forty-eight hours prior thereto and that such notice may be waived if three-fourths of the chapter are present and all consent.
Section 3. (Quorum)
A majority of the active members and associate members in good standing with the Academic Chapter shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the chapter.
Section 4. (Admission)
Members and associate members in good standing with the Academic and Non-Academic Chapters of Omicron Zeta and members and associate members of the Grand High Zeta or their official representatives may attend business meetings without examination, except as to their identity when necessary. Members of other Zetas of Lambda Chi Alpha and other persons may attend by invitation only. Members and associate members not in good standing may attend only at the request of the officers.
Section 5. (Attendance)
Attendance at regular and special meetings shall be compulsory on all members and associate members except as herein after provided. Written excuses for absences shall be presented to the High Gamma prior to the time of the meeting. Graduate members are not required to attend.
Section 6. (Franchise)
Academic sustaining members and associate members in good standing with this chapter and affiliated members of similar standing are entitled to vote in this Chapter. Honorary members are not allowed to vote, but their advice and suggestions are always welcome. Graduate members who have paid their past and current chapter dues are entitled to vote.
Section 7. (Actions)
Unless otherwise specified, a majority vote shall be ample for any action of this body. Majority shall mean more than half of the academic Chapter-sustaining members and associate members present and voting at any properly called meeting.
Section 8. (Decorum)
Disorder in a regular or special meeting will not be tolerated. No levity or conduct not in strict keeping with the spirit of gravity of the rites of the Fraternity will be countenanced.
Section 9. (Order)
Robert's Rules of Order in the absence of any other rules will govern the conduct of meetings of this Chapter. The following additional rules will also be enforced:
1. A member shall be addressed as brother/AM_________.
2. Officers will be addressed by their non-ritualistic titles (Brother High Alpha, etc.).
3. At the request of the High gamma, motions will be presented in written form.
4. Financial motions will automatically tabled for one week.
5. All financial motions will have an upper limit specified in writing.
6. The High Alpha is empowered to eject any member engaging in disorderly conduct from the meeting, providing he first gives said member a warning.
Section 10. (Order of business)
The following shall be the Order of Business in regular business meetings:
1. Call to Order.
2. Reading of the roll.
3. Reading of the communications.
4. Report of officers by rank: A, B, PC, G, T, I, K, D, P, S, E, R, House Manager, Steward, Jock, and other standing committees. 5. Report of special committees. 6. Unfinished business. 7. New business. 8. Good and Welfare.

Article V: Officers

Section 1. (Elective officers)
The elective officers known as the High Zeta of Omicron Zeta shall be known as follows:
High Alpha, President; High Beta, Vice President; Co-High Beta, Philanthropy Chairman;
High Gamma, Secretary; High Tau, Treasurer; High Iota, Risk Manager; High Kappa, Fraternity Educator;
High Delta, Rush Chairman; High Phi, Ritualist; High Sigma, Scholarship Chairman;
High Epsilon, Social Chairman; High Rho, Alumni Secretary; High Pi, Alumni Advisor;
High Mu House manager; Steward; High Jock, Athletic Manager;
Section 2a. (Appointments to the High Alpha)
The following officers shall be appointed by the High Alpha:
Section 2b. (Appointments to the High Tau)
The High Tau shall appoint, with High Zeta approval, for the term of office of the treasurer, an assistant treasurer who shall have the duty of being responsible for tasks delegated by the High Tau.
Section 2c. (Appointments to the Steward)
The Steward shall appoint an Assistant Steward in charge of wait scheduling.
Section 3. (Election to office)
The A,B,G,T,I,D,R,S,E,M,Steward, and Jock shall be elected at the end of the fall semester and shall take office at the beginning of the spring semester. The B,PC,G,I,K,P,S,E,M,Steward, and Jock shall be elected at the end of the spring semester and shall take office at the beginning of the fall semester. No member shall hold more than one office of the High Zeta at the same time. A majority vote of those present is required for election. In the event of no one receiving a majority vote on any one balloting, the name(s) receiving the lowest number shall be discarded and another vote taken. Persons so eliminated at any vote may vote in the run-off election(s). Officers shall be installed in accordance with the Installation Ceremony of the Ritual.
Section 4. (Eligibility for office)
No nominee for office shall be voted upon or hold authority unless he is an active member in good standing, and holds at least a 2.25 cumulative average. Candidates for High Kappa and High Phi shall be members in good standing who have gone through the initiation process as brothers. The other elected officers must be at least sophomores at the time of assuming their office. The High Alpha, High Beta, High Tau, High Delta, High Kappa, High Mu, High Epsilon, and Steward must live in the Chapter House.
Section 5. (Terms of office)
The following officers shall serve for one year terms: Alpha, Philanthropy Chairman, Tau, Kappa, Delta and Phi.
The Following officers shall serve for one semester: Beta, Gamma, Sigma, Epsilon, Rho, Mu, Steward, and Jock.
The High Pi shall serve for two Years.
Unexpired terms shall be filled by election as soon as possible following the creation of the vacancy.

Article VI: Representatives

Section 1. (Official Delegate and Alternate Delegate)
The official Delegate and an Alternate Delegate to the Fraternity General Assembly and Management Training Seminar, who shall be either a junior or a senior in the coming academic year, shall be voted upon by the chapter. In the event the delegate cannot attend, the Alternate Delegate will take his place. The Duties of the official Delegate shall be as follows:
1. He shall represent the Chapter at the General Assembly attending all business meetings and social affairs, voting as instructed by the Chapter on all issues, and performing to the best of his abilities any special tasks assigned to him.
2. He shall report fully on action taken by the Assembly at the first regular meeting following the Assembly.
Section 2. (IFC Representative)
The Intrafraternity Council Representative shall be the High Alpha or a representative designated by the High Alpha. His duties shall be as follows:
1. He shall serve as spokesman for the Chapter in the Intrafraternity Council.
2. He shall report on action taken by the Council at the following regular meeting.
Section 3. (GAMMA Representative)
The GAMMA (Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol) Representative shall be the High Iota or a duly appointed designee. His duties shall be as follows:
1. He shall attend to the obligations established for the GAMMA Representative by that body or the joint Greek councils.
2. He shall serve as spokesman for the Chapter at GAMMA and report on any actions or proceedings thereof which may concern the Academic Chapter.

Article VII: Committees

Section 1. (Standing Committees)
The following committees shall be standing committees:
1. Executive Committee, of which at least one half of the members shall live in the chapter house.
2. Committee on membership involvement chaired by the High Beta.
3. Rush Committee , Chaired by the High Delta.
4. Kappa-Phi Committee chaired jointly by the High Kappa and the High Phi.
5. Social Committee, chaired by the High Epsilon.
6. Stewards Committee, Chaired by the Steward.
7. Rho Committee consisting of the High Rho, High Alpha , High Tau, High Mu, and Steward, chaired by the High Rho.
Section 2. (Composition)
Every member in good standing is required to be a member of two committees.
Section 3. (Meetings)
Committees must have at least one meeting per month when school is in session. Exceptions include the following: 1. Kappa-Phi Committee will meet only to discuss preparations for Rituals and related events. The High Kappa and High Phi May call for separate Committee meetings as needed.
2. The Rho Committee will meet as deemed necessary by the High Rho in order to prepare for Alumni Events.
Section 4. (Record of activities)
A record shall be kept by the above named committees recording all activities during the chairman's tenure of office.

Article VIII: Membership

Section 1. (Composition)
The requirements for membership shall be as stated in the Constitution of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. Architectural or other undergraduate students in their fifth year have the status of graduate students and shall not pay active dues. Members with graduate status do not have a vote in Chapter meetings unless they pay all local Chapter Dues.
Section 2. (Governance of Associate Members)
Associate Members shall be governed by the following rules:
1. They shall be under the direct supervision of the High Kappa.
2. They shall eat all meals at the Chapter House unless special conditions make this impossible and are approved by the executive committee.
3. They shall attend all regular associate meetings unless excused by the High Kappa.
4. They shall be required to live in the Chapter house during their first semester as a Brother.
Section 3. (Provisions for live-outs)
Those members desiring to live outside of the Chapter house may do so at the discretion of the Executive Committee providing that a full house is anticipated.
Section 4. (Transfers and affiliates)
Members of other Zetas becoming students or instructors at Cornell University may affiliate with this Zeta and thereby receive all the rights of membership therein, provided:
1. They are able to present an official transfer certificate, properly signed by the High Alpha and High Tau of their Initiating Zeta or that which they were most recently affiliated.
2. They assume their share of the financial support of the Zeta.
3. They receive a three-fourths majority vote taken not earlier than 30 days after the transferee applies for affiliation.
Section 5. (Bidding)
A vote to extend a bid of membership may take place at any regularly scheduled rushing meeting, providing the candidate has visited the house at least twice, and two-thirds of those present have met him. A two thirds majority vote will be required for a bid. If, before the time the rushee is actually handed his bid, ten percent of the active members but not less than three active members register negative votes (i.e. dings) in an open rush meeting and explain their reasons for so doing, the bid will be nullified.
Section 6. (Requirements)
At least a 2.25 cumulative average will be required for both association and initiation of prospective members. Any associate member who does not meet this requirement will not be initiated, and he will be excused form the normal associate member duties, although he will retain the status of associate member. No period of association will exceed 15 months.
Section 7. (Announcement of Initiation)
The time and day associate members are due at the Chapter house for initiation shall be announced by the High Phi well in advance of the Scheduled date.
Section 8a. (Vote on initiation)
A vote for membership may be taken at any meeting of the Active Chapter, provided a majority of the active initiated members is present. A prospective initiate's name must be proposed by one active initiated member of the Active Chapter and the proposal seconded by another. The number of favorable votes to accept a prospective active member shall be 90% of those present. No member present can abstain.

Where only the minimum number of unfavorable votes is cast, the member or members voting negatively, shall, upon request of any member, declare themselves and give reasons for so voting. A member voting unfavorably who under the above circumstances refuses to declare his reasons for voting negatively shall be regarded as having surrendered his original ballot as if he had voted favorably.

If an insufficient number of favorable votes is cast on such final vote to accept a candidate, the vote will be trea ted as a motion for termination of associate membership. Two weeks prior to initiation, the High Alpha will conduct a vote for initiation on all associate members.
Section 8b. (Termination of associate membership)
Associate membership may be terminated at any time by a vote of the initiated active membership present, provided the action on such motion lie on the table for one week prior to termination. The number of votes necessary to continue associate membership shall be the same as the number required by Section 8a to accept a prospective active member at the time of the vote for initiation.

To renew the associate membership of a terminated candidate, there must be a motion to reconsider passed by simple majority of the members present within one week of termination or until the next general meeting of the active brotherhood, whichever is longer. Failure to reconsider results in termination at the end of the tabling period.

The nature of the notification of the terminated associate member regarding his status after the tabling period will be determined by the brotherhood with the High Alpha making the final decision.

Article IX: Finance

Section 1. (House Bills)
House bills will be issued twice per year through the Cornell University Office of the Bursar. Every member must sign a contract allowing this method of billing. House bills will include the following provisions:
1. Room Rent. The amount of room rent will be set by the Alumni Corporation and the funds collected therefrom will be placed in a House Department Fund to be used for the operation and maintenance of the Chapter house, exclusive of kitchen and dining facilities.
2. Board Bill. The rates of board will be set by Chapter enactment, and will include a minimum amount required to be eaten by all active live-in members and associate members. Exceptions to this provision may be granted by the Executive Committee. Funds collected from board bill will be deposited in a Chapter account to be used for the operation and maintenance of the kitchen and dining facilities.
3. Social Dues. Social Dues will be set by Chapter enactment, and will be deposited in a Chapter Fund for use in financing Chapter social functions. All active members and associates will pay full social dues, except in very unusual circumstances which will be decided by the Executive Committee
4. Chapter Dues. Chapter Dues will be set by Chapter enactment, and will be deposited in to the Chapter account. All active members and associate members will pay Chapter dues.
5. Reserve Fund. A reserve fund of $4.00 per month per active member and associate will be established separate from the department accounts. The reserve fund will be handled by the Alumni Association for the use of building up cash reserves of the Chapter.
6. Payment. Bills shall be due on the day they are presented, and shall be in arrears after ten days. A fee of up to ten percent of the amount due to the Chapter, decided by the Executive Committee, is to be added on the unpaid balance beginning the eleventh day due. Suspension is in effect if any account is unpaid after thirty days unless the individual in arrears arranges a payment schedule to be approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. (Transfer of funds)
The High Tau shall inform the High Zeta whenever he transfers funds between departments, and shall be subject to overruling by the High Zeta.
Section 3. (National dues)
Active members will be billed twice per year for National Academic Dues, as specified in the General Fraternity Statutory Code.
Section 4. (Accountant)
A certified Public Accountant shall be employed by the Chapter to oversee financial operations
Section 5. (Budgets)
Budgets shall be submitted to the High Zeta for approval be fore the end of the first week of the fall semester by all High Zeta officers. The Executive Committee will then prepare a complete budget for the Chapter to be presented to the Chapter by the Second regular meeting of the fall semester.
Section 6. (Initiation Fee)
The Chapter initiation fee as well as the association fee, as determined by National, shall be paid in advance. Initiation of those unable to pay their fees shall be delayed until they can pay. The initiation fee shall cover the following items:
1. National Initiation fee.
2. Plate at Founder's Day Banquet.
3. Rush Committee expenses for the following year.
Section 7. (Publications)
Chapter publications shall be financed by ISWZA.
Section 8. (Liquidity)
All members and associate members living in the Chapter house shall pay their May room rent on the first house bill of the Year. If they should graduate in January, this charge will be refunded. If they should leave school for any other reason, the money will be forfeited, except at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Article X: Publications

Section 1. (Name)
The Chapter publication shall be known as the Omicron Oracle.
Section 2. (Schedule)
The Omicron Oracle shall be issued four times per school year.
Section 3. (Content)
The contents of the Omicron Oracle shall be devoted exclusively to the interest of Omicron Zeta.
Section 4. (Circulation)
The Omicron Oracle shall be sent to all alumni and affiliates of the Chapter, members of the Grand High Zeta, and administrative Officers of the General Fraternity, and to other Zetas.

Article XI: Penal Action

Section 1. (Formal disciplinary hearing)
Members shall be subject at all times to the provisions of the General Fraternity Constitution and Statutory Code, and may be disciplined according to its provisions.
Section 2. (Fines)
The following Chapter officers will recommend to the Executive Committee that certain members be fined according to an announced schedule for the following offenses:
1. The High Delta will recommend fines for missed rush functions.
2. The High Phi will recommend fines for missed initiation.
3. The High Gamma will recommend fines for unaccepted absences from Chapter meetings in excess of two per semester for live-in members and three per semester for live-outs. The recommended fines will be $2.00 initially and $5.00 for each subsequent absence.
4. The Assistant Steward will recommend fines for missed waiting assignments. If a dinner wait is missed the penalty will be assignment of one extra wait for each waiter co-assigned to the wait missed. If a lunch wait is missed, the penalty shall be one extra waiting assignment.

Article XII: Amendments

Section 1. (Suspension of by-laws)
In cases of extreme urgency, any provision of these By-Laws may be suspended for the period of one meeting if three-fourths of the quorum consent.
Section 2. (Amendments to the By-Laws)
Proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted to the High Gamma. At the following regular meeting they shall be read and shall be tabled for a period of one week thereafter. A two-thirds vote of the quorum shall be required for amendment of the By-Laws. These By-Laws and any amendments thereto shall become effective by the Grand High Alpha and the Grand High Pi.
Section 3. (Automatic revision)
These By-Laws shall be revised every year.

As reviewed and duly approved by the Grand High Zeta pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution and Statutory Code of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity.

Gregory C. Knight '96 O-1496, High Alpha
Eric K. Helmy '96 O-1505, High Beta