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Web Page Design

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Web page design

Gas Station Info

HTML Links:

D.J. Quad's Ultimate HTML Site

A Beginner's Guide to HTML

Hypertext Madness of Laurence Simon

A Quick Guide to HTML and CGI Scripts

All the HTML Commands

Crash Course in HTML



"Do I really need a web page?"

Join the online world! Web pages are fun! Web pages are a platform for you to address the public on the Internet, and for businesses, it is an accessible, yet powerful means of advertising! Over 2 million Canadians have access to the Internet, and the numbers worldwide are immense (over 30 million!). Your web page is a doorway to the world wide web!

"What can John do for me?"

I can design your web page from the ground up. I will make your web page visually attractive and efficient. I can help you set up an Internet account with a local or national Internet Service Provider, and I will get your web page up and running. I will make sure that your web page is registered with the major Internet Search Engines. If you just want to get connected to the Internet, but aren't quite ready to have a web page, I can still help you! From hardware to software, I'll get you connected to the net!

"Ok, I'm interested. What do I do?"

Let's talk! The first thing to do is to discuss what you want and what you need. Get in touch with me through E-Mail or write/call me through traditional means:

103 Gates Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M4C 1T2


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All contents of these web pages are copyright ©1996 John Wong.