This is a tentative plan for the above project. A pilot run is to be carried out in Kajang, where a small group of people is trying to co-create a working blueprint.
A Learning Community that collectively Co-create their desired Future.
To build Community with increasing capability and capacity, focusing on Knowledge and Skills that eventually propels the economy of the society.
Guiding Principles
Operating Guidlines
A small group of people (5 number) started the first informal meeting on 6th March, 2001 for about 2 hours with a vague and general idea of wanting to create a Learning Community.
Through a process of discussion, brainstorming, sharing and dialogue, the vague and general idea of creating Learning Community is beginning to take some shape and form.
After self introduction of each person’s name, background, profession / business, each person commented on the initial draft of the Vision and Mission of coming together in this informal meeting ;
Vision : A Learning Community that collectively co-create their desired future
Mission : To build Community with increasing capability and capacity, focusing on knowledge and skills that eventually propel the economy of the society.
General Comments and Reaction to Vision / Mission draft Statements:
A simple exercise was performed with each person to brainstorm on “What positive scenario or vision can we imagine for Kajang Community in 10 years, 20 years time, when globalization is fully taking shape?” (Kajang is chosen as most of the people come from Kajang and we tried to use our imaginative power to focus on community close to home).
Our general discussion led to following ideas:
It was apparent that our thoughts were limited to current perception of reality, i.e. concerned about genuine human development, difficulty to achieve collective intelligence and wisdom.
On reflecting on the draft vision statement : “A Learning Community that collectively co-create their desired future” (which was commented as vague and general) it is suggested that we ponder on the vision later when we deliberate more on our current reality (our own perception and understanding of current concerns and difficulties) and develop a powerful and compelling imaginative picture of a future state.
We tried out another exercise : instead of taking the whole of Kajang Community, which is too large a scope with complex variables, we focused on ourselves (5 of us) as a small community to try out the principles of building a learning community.
There are 5 categories of background (person’s profession, career or business) with knowledge domains in :
Each person was to reflect and share with the rest on “What Knowledge and Skills that can further enhance their performance, goals in life or attainment of excellence”
General ideas of knowledge and skills are as follow:
IT and Internet were quoted by all as most important and critical knowledge and skills and there was general discussion in this area. Most feel that IT and Internet are too large a scope and overwhelming and guidance is needed to speed up the learning in this area.
From the above exercise, the following principles can be established:
Next Steps
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By Andrew Wong, 1st Mac, 2001
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