Thank you for your support and interest in my webpage.
I am much encouraged by consistent daily number of hits on my Geocities homepage. Todate (end August 2000, there is more than 15290+ hits). Most readers remain as readers and seldom identify themselves.
I organised a Virtual Community for discussion forum for a few years in my Geocites homepage, currently with about 80+ members from all parts of the world. I would say that it is not very successful. Besides the reasons that I may not be skilful enough as a virtual organiser or creative enough to attract people to contribute and participate, I also have several observations, both from my discussion group and others in the Internet.
From the above, I seize the opportunity to design another website, QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase. with the view that more people would like to read and comtemplate, occasionally they would like to discuss things in private (with me as coach and mentor). They would like to hear views of diversity, which is created after I sythesized the learning points from my coaching and observation with others, and my own research work. Here, knowledge diversity can be management issues, leadership, family, personal finance / investment, business, training, human resources etc.
If the members or subscribers of “QuaSyLaTic Knowlegebase” are from the same organization, possibly shared vision could be created among those from all parts of the world as observed by this neutral organizer / facilitator / writer, then a “safe” virtual community can be created on a common platform to co-create a future they all truly want.
Some organizations deliberately sign up their members to QuaSyLaTic Knowlegebase as subscribers, with the view that it could benefit individual learning, leading hopefully to team learning with shared vision with that of the organizational vision. Or, a team is working on certain project, team members get ideas or inspiration from the QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase, and if required, this write acts as neutral virtual facilitator to enhance their team performance to realise their goals.
Why do you charge subscription fees whereas previous website is free?
Besides the fact that subscription fee is compensation and revenue for my effort, from which I could invest in better facilities for members, it is also psychological. When everything is free, it is hard to generate personal commitment. I had offer coaching and mentoring services to many readers of my free homepage previously, and they ask for zero fee (an option I give to them), almost 100% do not follow through, they drop out after a few emailing. Those who make some payment within their means, continue.
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By Andrew Wong, 1st Sept, 2000
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