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These slides (using Powerpoint) are designed as the first lesson / facilitation learning workshop for a three days “Systems Thinking”, with a duration of 4 hours, before going into systems thinking proper.
The pre-requisite of these 3 day learning workshop on Systems Thinking is attendance of 3-day fundamentals of Organizational Learning. This is to avoid participants taking systems thinking as another technical subject, without seeing the linkage with the essence of “Learning Organization” whereby all the five disciplines : namely [systems thinking] [mental models] [personal mastery] [shared visions] and [team learning] should be cohesively linked and connected.
There are many factors that contributed to the passionate behaviour of the participants, highlight is made only on the design of a conducive learning environment and facilitation skills that draw up the latent energy of the participants.
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By Andrew Wong, 16th Feb, 2002
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