Organisation Coaching:
Use of Internet for Business
With great honour, undersigned (as an Organisation Coach) was invited by an organisation to share his ideas and experience on Internet on 21st Feb. 98. The coaching session was attended by some 30 plus people : board of directors, management team and staff. This informal report described the seminar learning process and captured the brainstormed ideas from the participants.
Note: A difference between a consultant and Organisation Coach is : the latter does not give solutions or recipes, but directional and conceptual framework to encourage creativity and deep thinking by the organisation.
The seminar program was as follow:
- What is Internet?
- Internet : Some common terminology
- Using Present concepts to understand Internet
- Creative application of Internet power to Organisation Business?
- What Scope and Opportunity?
- Make Organisation's presence in Cyberspace
- Design Organisation's Homepage
- What Attraction method?
- Implication of use of Internet to the Organisation
- Homepage Support Services - Internal or External?
- What Next?
- Meeting Evaluation
What is Internet?
As the organisation has a 5-storey-office building with 4 floors equipped with computers, information sharing and passing are possible between computers at different floors, the concept of Internet was introduced using the building as an analogy. Importance features are : computers are connected, operating system and software enable information flow. The concept of "server" was discussed.
Some historical background of Internet development was illustrated.
Common terminology used in Internet were explained.
Some examples of Internet homepage were shown in transparency slides.
Using Present concepts to understand Internet?
Some common and familiar concepts were made use of, to study their characteristics and use of PMI (Plus Minus Interesting thinking tool) to examine the advantages, usefulness, or difficulties or limitation. Comparison is then made with Internet environment.
Common and familiar concepts like:
[Market Place] {Shopping complex, fish market...}
- [Exchange Centre] {Currency, Stock market, Ideas forum, Feedback / customers complaints, commerce..}
- [Tools / Facilities] {Telephone, Telex, Fax, Mobile Phone, Yellow Pages}
- [Library] {Catalogue, documents, information, research}
- [Exhibition] {Open house, Showroom, }
Some of the brainstormed ideas are
Focusing on :
[Market Place] {Shopping complex, fish market...}
[Exchange Centre] {Currency, Stock market, Ideas forum, Feedback / customers complaints, commerce..}
Plus (It does not necessary mean good, advantages, just one set of perspectives)
- P1: There are commodities, goods, varieties
- P2: Buyers and Sellers
- P3 A lot of people
- P4: Transactions take place
- P5: Learning take place
- P6: Energy
- P7: Meeting people
Minus (It does not necessary mean bad, dis-advantages, just another set of perspectives)
- M1 Too noisy
- M2 Get wrong information, hence decision
- M3 Can be boring and time -wasting
- M4 May buy a lot of junk items, worthless
Interesting (Can be a creative, synergetic, neutral or totally different perspectives)
- I1 More interesting life.
- I2 Make friends
Focusing on :
[Tools / Facilities] {Telephone, Telex, Fax, Mobile Phone, Yellow Pages}
Plus (It does not necessary mean good, advantages, just one set of perspectives)
- P1: Enhance communication
- P2: Physical distance seemed "shortened"
- P3: Convenient
- P4: Voice signal using telephone
- P5: Information like photos through fax
- P6: Yellow pages : easy search
Minus (It does not necessary mean bad, dis-advantages, just another set of perspectives)
- M1: Person to talk to may not be on-line when using phone
- M2: Technological fault can cause havoc
- M3: Tendency to talk long time over phone, can be expensive
- M4: May have to type into computer from faxed document
- M5: Long talk over phone may cloud the central message
From the above PMI, discussion was make to compare with Internet environment. With respect to Internet, there are similarities, extra features, limitation, same difficulties, there are still gaps, etc. With the understanding of the power, limitation of Internet, the organisation is encouraged to apply creative thinking on the use of Internet to benefit their Business and organisation.
Make the Organisation presence in Cyberspace
- Design Organisation's Homepage - WHY?
- What is In Organisation's Home? What value to visitors?
- Organisation's Requirements, Purpose and Target market
Some Brainstormed ideas on the reasons why Organisation's homepage
- Attract new customers
- Catch Global attention
- Create new market
- To advertise at minimum cost
- To get more profit
- Take pride of products and service offered
- Enhance the status and image of the organisation
- Get more information and networking.
This Organisation Coach shared some of his ideas on - Homepage : Why??????
- Attract Potential customers - new market
- Networking with existing business partners and future partners
- Education of new products / research
- Developing Internet Business Agents
- Communication, Co-ordination and Collaboration within and outside organisation
- Creating an Influence
- E-Commerce
- Knowledge Era for 21st Century, not just products
Homepage Attraction methods:
In Cyberspace:
- Bulk eMails through agents
- Footprint in Newsgroups, Forum, Chat
- Sponsor popular related sites
- Home Business Agents
- Zero in at target / related target group (Customers' Chain)
- Offer 'Goodies' : Intellectual & rewards
- Newspaper advertisement
- Through existing Business contacts
- Through Network of friends, relative, associations. ....
- NameCard / Letterhead
- Organisation Ambassadors
Some of the above advantages and dis-advantages are discussed.
Implication of use of Internet
- Within Organisation
- Extra System Support
- New Knowledge Workers and Management
- Compatibility of existing when blend with new system
- Within Cyberspace
- Wider market
- Transparency to competitors also
- (hence competition of creativity)
- The Good and Evil co-exist!
Homepage Support Services: Internal or External
- Factors to consider:
- Dependency
- Currency and Update
- Maintenance (hardware and software)
- Knowledge Workers & communicators
- Continuity into the Future
What Next?
Some of the ideas from the participants
- Consider seriously whether to use Internet of not.
- Open free email account individually
- Open email corporate account.
This Organisation Coach shared some of his ideas on - What Next?
- Deeper Understanding of Business with respect to Cyberspace
- Design
- System Support
- Knowledge workers & Management
- Process Control
- Improvement Process
- Learning Organisation
Meeting Evaluation
- Success Factor?
- - Know more about Internet
- - Good conceptual framework introduced for organisation to explore
- - Some good ideas and participation
- What Can be Improved?
- - Realise very little knowledge before this seminar, hence need for more
self learning
- - With hand-on demonstration during seminar like notebook connected to Internet
- can be useful. Hence the feel of it.
- - Participation, ideas generation can be further improved
- - Better preparation like flipchart and overhead projector
- - Need to have tea break.
The learning session ended with some questions and answers.
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By Andrew Wong, 7th March.1998
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