On 29th Nov. 98, 5 Rotarians and 3 senior management members of banks / finance institutions gathered for a seminar cum discussion on "From Crisis to Opportunity - Motivation and Creativity". This was triggered by some member Rotarians, who are operating businesses and who felt discouraged and de-motivated due to recent economic crisis that affects almost all walk of life. The session was conducted and facilitated by undersigned, President of Rotary Club of Bintulu Central.
Below is a brief summary of the discussion and learning.
Program of the seminar / discussion:
Purpose of the gathering
The participants were asked a series of questions, starting with "Why are you here tonight?" with answer beginning with "I am here tonight "In order to ..". The followings are the collective group thinking:
Observations: The above expression, to a large extent, represent whatever maybe the thinking of the participants at that moment of time. Whether these are vivid mental model, or mere words of general terms without much serious thought are left to the participants to ponder. As the seminar / discussion unfolded, the relevancy or irrelevancy should become clearer personally to the participants.
Some Theories on Motivation / Creativity
It was postulated that in order to transform Crisis to Opportunity, there are two key sources of energy to be reckoned with i.e. Motivation & Creativity. For such latent energy to be mobilised, we need "Personal Vision that can generate Creative Tension" with Reality and the necessary KTS (Knowledge Techniques and Skills) to first a) to Understand Current Reality profoundly, thereby initiating effective action for transformation.
Current Realities & their Understanding
The participants come from the following business or industries:
Banking, Hotel, Retailing, Trading, Advertising / signcraft
As the negative economic sentiment is prevailing, participants first brainstormed on the Weaknesses of SWOT in their operating environment.
W1 Decreasing business / less customers
W2 Bad debt ; worsening NPL
W3 C.O.G (cost of goods) goes up
W4 High rental
W5 Still have to comply to laws and legislation
W6 Loss in confidence by public
W7 Difficult to get loan from banks
W8 Price War
When the focus was on Strengths of their operating environment, there was little offered by the participants.
S1 Government Recovering plan in force
S2 Bintulu small community - lesser problem as compared with bigger cities in Asia
Observations: There is strong tendency to perceive realities in extreme. Due to the current economic difficulties, the mind is preoccupied with negative thinking. Thus inability even to recognise Strengths, even if that exist. Such biased focus does not help creativity thinking, and creating opportunities from seemingly crisis situation.
The participants are presented with domains that also make up the current reality, with the hope that such focus could generate more Creativity Thinking.
Current Reality Domains:
Re-Look at Current Reality using brainstorming focusing on Strengths
S1 Multitasking of staff
S2 Rescheduling of working hours
S3 Move to a better location for my shop
S4 Win-Win with customers - special offer
S5 Improving customers service - early preparation for bad time
S6 Now better credit control
S7 Recycling
S8 Lessons learnt reinforced
S9 More focus on efficiency
Organisational Iceberg Theory
Organisational Iceberg Theory was presented, i.e. Symptoms / Events as tip of the iceberg, with Pattern beneath, and supported by Structure / System and at the bottom Belief / Value / Personal Vision. From this theory, participants were asked to identify those Strengths or good measures in this economic crisis time are mere reaction to symptoms / events, or resolving the roots of the problems that can bring about lasting change for the better. It was recognised that many of the ideas or measures mentioned were fire-fight or reactive solution. Interestingly, one of the earlier weaknesses mentioned was "difficult to get bank loan", is now considered a good measure by business with respect to "better credit control". Both actions were reactive in nature, considered good practice by one party, bad from another. Collectively such reactive control measure, stifles the economy even more. Little Crisis-To-Opportunity can be developed if the mental capacity get caught in a negative vicious circle thinking.
Theory of Constraint (TOC)
The concept of TOC was introduced as a tool to help participants to further analyse their business environment for effective action, i.e. looking at vital important link or weakest link in a value-chain.
An example was made on "Retailing Business", with larger Value-chain identified. That is :
Manufacture -> Whole Seller -> Distributors -> RETAILER - Customers = function (so many different walk of life). The weakest link is most critical and crucial. In this respect, another concept "Sphere of Influence / Control" is introduced. That is, even if the weakest link is identified, is it within the participants' sphere of influence and control? If not, then a smaller System boundary with value chain needs to be investigated i.e. with the Retailing organisation and its interface. With such focus, creativity thinking can be applied and synergy developed, thus opportunity created. As compared with earlier weaknesses (SWOT) analysis, focus is not just looking at things beyond our control and influence. In this way, we will not be pointing fingers at "other factors", thus diminish opportunity creation to focus on factors with our own control and influence with creativity thinking.
Creative Tension for Personal Mastery
New alternatives / ideas
What Knowledge Techniques and Skills to manage current Reality?
Creativity, Experimentation and Discovery
What Vision crystallisation process for practice and mastery?
Reflection and meditation
New alternatives
Concept Fan
(Due to time constraint and avoiding knowledge overload, "New Alternative" to directly manage Current Reality not explored, except some explanation to participants as how to go about it)
Meeting Evaluation
Success Factors
What else can be improved?
What is interesting?
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By Andrew Wong, 4th Dec,1998
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