What is the Focus? What is the Question?

This workshop facilitator's instruction is available at QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase.



In our daily conversation, we talk and talk. Often we react or respond without much deeper thinking. Not that it is wrong, inappropriate or less profound, it could be that we may sometimes miss some important point for us to explore further insight.

The following is a conversation with a Business Owner, who expresses what he thinks are his requirements, or things he wants to improve in his business. Undersigned gives some reflection of the conversation and tries to explore further, what should be the focus and what is the big question, so that a space or framework could be created to explore and to seek the most effective learning solution.

It is realised that through this reflective exercise, a new question is crafted to meet the learning needs of the Business Owner, instead of reacting or responding to what appears to be the issues to be tackled.

With a new frame or mind designed, an exploration space is created for both Business Owner and undersigned to gain greater insights and hence more effective solutions.

...... However on deeper reflection, there are many other scenarios to phrase the Big Question. Different focus / question will lead to different outcome. The phrasing of which depends on certain assumption and under certain premise or circumstance. Hence if such underlying thoughts are not explored, made clear and understood, the eventual outcome maybe of great dis-appointment, unless by luck or a blessing in disguise. .......

Other articles in QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase by undersigned, refer Topics Listing. ,Slides Presentation. ,Knowledge Objects. Investment Knowledge, Life Planning

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By Andrew Wong, 8th April, 2001


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