Over the years, there is good responses to this QuaSyLaTic approach focusing on Knowledge and Skills so as to increase our capability and capacity to create the future we truly desire.
Several communities are emerging as follow, to cater for different needs of people focusing on different knowledge domains.
Started in Jan 2001. Currently there are about 100 members and membership is increasing steadily. Created for Malaysians, whereby this QuaSyLaTic writer shares his experience, knowledge and skills on Pattern and Trends of the Market, applied on Unit Trust as investment tool. Membership is by invitation / recommendation. Refer: Community Site - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qinvest ".
Started in April, 2001. This is created for aspiring businessmen / women, or would-be-businessmen / women. Membership is open to all. Sharing of experiences, dialogue with well balanced advocacy and inquiry is encouraged. Co-facilitator is needed from volunteer. Existing QuaSyLaTic participants, readers etc. if interested, are invited and to promote and encourage their friends, associates or whoever interested to join. Refer: Community Site - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qbiz".
Started in April, 2001. This is created for teenagers who are to create a new world, in a more collaborative ways with peers, those just stepping into the society and some elders who are co-learners. Membership is open to all. Existing QuaSyLaTic participants, readers etc. are to promote and invite their teen-children, college students or young working members of their friends or associates or whoever interested to join. A youth leader / co-facilitator is needed from volunteer. Adults or elders are welcome as co-learners. Members to identify themselves as teens, young workers or otherwise. Refer: Community Site - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qteens.
Started in April, 2001. This is created to prepare people for productive and creative retirement, or retiree who need to master new skills. This is the stage of life when Self-Actualisation takes place for most people, after wealth of expereince and wisdom accumulated. Membership is open to all. Existing QuaSyLaTic participants, readers etc. if interested, are invited and to promote and encourage their friends, associates or whoever interested to join. Refer: Community Site - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qretire.
Dated 14th April, 2001
The notion of creating QuaSyLaTic Virtual Community took shape on 1998 Christmas. The concept of Virtual Community was discussed in my article "Virtual Community" . The seed of this community project started at the time when my QuaSyLaTic homepage was created 1st Sept. 96. Since then there are regular visitors to my site, some exchanged their ideas / views with me. Whatever maybe the case, there is one thing common among all - the desire and aspiration of having a genuine community spirit, the ideals of a Quality Society, living in peace, harmony and creative future, or whatever ways to express such intrinsic human purpose of being.
Who are the visitors to my homepage?
There are a great diversity of people, from different races, nationalities, faiths and beliefs. They are from many different walks of life and background and having variety of interests and hobbies. For example : friends and relatives of mine, friends and relatives of visitors, professionals, youth, consultants, representatives from other virtual communities, institutions, corporation, manufacturing, businessmen, coach community, politicians, media people, publication, forum groups, students, stock market investors, nonprofit organizations, government servants, voluntary organizations, clubs and associations, university academicians, information technology specialists etc. etc. .
A Virtual Community is taking shape
With a great many different people, representing diversified fields of knowledge and wisdom, and consciously or unconsciously having a desire to co-create a better world, a virtual community is taking shape. Thanks to the increasing advancement and friendly IT facilities like Mailing List, a system of communication, coordination and collaboration is make possible among members of the community. This is a second distinct phase of this virtual community project. You are then encouraged to sign up to QuaSyLatic Virtual Community . Refer the top of this page for the latest Virtual Communities sites
Signing up as member is easy
That is, by joining the mailing list .... .
What is your role and potential benefits in QuaSyLaTic Virtual Community?
What are the Objectives and Actions?
As we have different mental models that influence our worldviews, we may not need to rigidly define our objectives. It is suggested that the QuaSyLatic hompeage guiding ideas - Quality Organizations make Quality Society, could be used as guides. I see this as collective effort of all of us, participating, developing, evolving, and co-creating a shared vision. .
The various articles posted in my homepage also represent a vareity of subjects, some of which contributed by visitors of my homepage. As membership increases, there will be new subjects and new perspectives.
Knowledge Management & Linkage with Global Village
As we interact with each others, there are knowledge and insgiths gained. For effective knowledge management, such learning is captured in Internel Knowledge Database, called QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase Reflection and Inspirational Corner, as the name suggests, it is a Corner for Reflection and to gain Inspiration. It is different from the usual dicussion forum, where there will be much advocacy of ideas or opinions, some inquiry. However the discipline of Reflection, in my humble opinion, is powerful and insightful.
Refer Why another new website "QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase"? for further explanation. Todate Nov. 2000, there will be close to 1000 knowledge objects in the database. More will be generated as members, (subscribers) continue to interact with QuaSyLaTic.
Some Framework for future undertaking
A community is most interesting because of its diversity, whereby synergy can be created. As we know each other (as members) better, we may need to introduce others to compliment our membership, i.e. Identification of different groups or categories of people.
We may have to think and create new ideas on networking with many other virtual communities.
In this respect, there will be many opportunities for creative thinking and role-plays by members.
Maybe one day we could truly build a Virtual Community with effective action in realizing our dreams.
If you are the movers type, i.e. like to initiate the first move, you could join "QuaSyLaTic Virtual Community" and inspire others to response. However, if you prefer to be bystander with the view to observe, learn and be inspired, subscribe to QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase Reflection and Inspirational Corner.
Andrew Wong,
QuaSyLaTic Virtual Community (QVC) Organizer.
27th Dec. 98, Revised 11th Nov. 2000, 14th April, 2001
Refer Stages of development of QVC
Refer Community Building on the Web : Secret Strategies for Successful Online Communities by Amy Jo Kim
Refer Net Gain : Expanding Markets Through Virtual Communities by John Hagel, Arthur G. Armstrong
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By Andrew Wong, 27th Dec,1998
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