The Structural Content of "The Tao of Coaching"
This is a sequel to The Tao of Coaching. It outlines the structural contents for the development of object solutions on "The Tao of Coaching". Readers of this hompage and QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase subscribers are invited to give your comments and suggestions, as a well designed structure will eventually produces Object solutions that could satisfy your needs.
The main structure is the Object format [Goal] [Symptom] [Change] [Cause] [Fix] and [Fact], it is the structure of the type of contents that is the current designed effort.
{With the focus on the coach-to-be, resolve, overcome, strategize, give new perspectives, suggestions for action / thinking to the context provided}
- Generic Symptoms
- Generic Pattern
- Generic Psychology
- Generic Responses / Reactions
- Generic Behaviour
- Generic Change Pattern
- Shift in Paradigm : Intended, Tendency, Un-realised, Not Known
{As explained by some Theories, Principles, Laws, Model, Psychology, etc.}
- Underlying assumptions
- Underlying mental model
- Underlying causes
- Underlying cause and effect relationship
- Underlying structures
- Why?
{Who are the coach-to-be within the context described above?}
- One of the players, actors, stakeholders, ..., affected, participate in or contribute towards the contexts.
- Observer who intends to create his or her own influence and intervene in the contextual scene.
- Observer who is totally detached, but just want to increase his or her own thinking and mental capacity for future application
- Self-coaching individual
- Use of tools, models, methodology
- What thinking framework to use and how?
- What Theory to apply and how?
- How?
- What Strategies / experimentation?
- What psychology?
- What new perspectives, new insights for future action?
- The Tao of Coaching
- Coaching Strategies and Techniques
- Theories, Principles and Laws
- Tool, Model, Methodology
- Design the Structures for coaching
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The Tao of Coaching
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By Andrew Wong, 12th April. 1998
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