
The other gold site in South Africa.

Mapungubwe is situated at the confluence of the Sashi and Limpopo Rivers. This corner forms the borders between South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. In a way this mirrors the position of Thulamela at the border between South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The site of Mapungubwe consists of three related sites or areas on the farm Vhembe in the Northern Province. The first is K1 or Kom 1, named after the German word for heap (someone, correct me if I am wrong!!). The second area, K2, is situated right next to K1. The third area, where the gold were found is about a kilometer away from K1 and K2. This is Mapungubwe itself. This photograph gives an idea of the view from the top at the entrance to the hill (koppie = small mountain).
Entrance at Map
Mapungubwe is a sandstone formation with relative steep sides. It is surrounded by a floodplain. To reach the top you have to go up a cleft in the side of the koppie. This is very defensible as you are surrounded by vertical sides almost all the way to the top. Defenders have a birdseye view of you coming up and can drop any number of things on your head - old pots, small rocks, big rocks, things with sharp points........ The golden objects was found on top of the koppie associated with graves although the exact context are unfortunately not known. The rulers of the area probably lived on top of the hill with the general population around it on the floodplain.