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The Stephen King FAQ

(well, okay, there aren't any actual questions, but who cares?)

Many thanks to Barb Crooks for this...

Table of Contents

Section 1 - Personal information about Stephen King
Section 2 - The message that Stephen King posted the King newsgroup
Section 3 - Just a few tie-ins between books and real life
Section 4 - A quick list of published works
Section 5 - A list of short stories and the Book they were in
Section 6 - A list of movies
Section 7 - Miscellaneous facts

Section 1 - Personal information about Stephen King

Personal info:

Mother: Nellie Ruth Pillsbury
Father: Donald King
Brother: David King, adopted in 1945, born 1945
DOB: Sept 21, 1947
POB: Portland, Maine
Wife: Tabitha Spruce
DOM: 1971

Important Facts:

  1. Father left when he was two for a pack of cigarettes and was never seen again.
  2. Family moved around a lot
  3. King first posted to the alt.books.stephen.king group on 6 Oct 94 from Cornell University. That post is quoted here.

Section 2 - The message that Stephen King posted the King newsgroup

From: SK79 (Stephen King)
Newsgroups: alt.books.stephen-king
Subject: stephen king
Followup-To: alt.books.stephen-king
Date: 6 Oct 1994 18:20:30 GMT
Organization: Cornell University
Lines: 19
Sender: (Verified)

Someone wondered if I ever get into these electronic bulletin boards. I got a peek into this one while preparing to do a speaking gig at Cornell University, in Ithaca, on October 6th, 1994. I haven't been in Colorado buying Slurpies at any 7-11s lately, but I was in a Christie's in Hoosick, New York yesterday. The new book is INSOMNIA, and that's what I'm promoting. I'm glad so many people liked Frank's version of SHAWSHANK, and I hope to see many of you on my tour...if the Harley doesn't break down...or if I don't break down. The question that occurs is whether or not the people reading this will believe I'm me. It really is, but if I put in something only I would know in order to prove it, everybody would know it. It's the only catch, Catch-22. In closing, the big cahunas and cahunettes here at Cornell want me to tell you that I don't have an account or an electronic postbox here. In fact, I don't really know what the f- - - I'm doing. Oh, I think I DO know how to prove I'm me. First, the next book is called ROSE MADDER--June of 1995 from Viking. Second, it will be Eddie, not Roland, who saves the party of travellers from Blaine the Mono. Joe Bob sez "Check it out."
Check ya on the flip-flop,
Stephen King

Section 3 - Some points of interest

  1. Carrie White was to be born on Sept 21
  2. Donald King tried to sell Mother Abagail a vacuum cleaner

Section 4 - Published Works

First was "I Was a Teenage Grave Robber" in Comics Review in 1967


Note: All publication dates are for hardback editions
* Published under Bachman
** With Peter Straub
*** Photagraphs by f-stop Fitzgerald
% This book has been published many times both as magazine stories and as a limited edition, the edition listed here is the mass production publication that most people will be able to find.

Section 5 - Short Stories

Section 6 - Motion Picture Adaptations

Movies Not Based on King Adaptaions, but using his title or characters

Castle Rock

  1. A Lake 100 miles southwes of West De Pere, Wisconsin
  2. A Newsletter on Stephen King first issued in Jan 1985 through Dec 1989

Miscellaneous facts

Personal Fears

  1. Fear of the dark
  2. Fear of squishy things
  3. Fear of deformity
  4. Fear of snakes
  5. Fear of rats
  6. Fear of closed-in places
  7. Fear of insects (esp. spiders, flies, and beetles)
  8. Fear of death
  9. Fear of others
  10. Fear for someone else

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